Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Exercise to Share Energy between Humans, Dolphins, and Sirius

Sasha & Atun through Lyssa Royal
September 1, 2001 - Ixtapa, Mexico

Sasha: Greetings. This is Sasha. Perhaps you have heard of us through the channel. We are one of the primary beings that work through her [Lyssa]. We are female, from the star system you call the Pleiades. We are here to facilitate another energy that will interact with all of you this night. But first, we wish to tell you a little story. We are going to simplify it greatly. We do not want to get lost in the details. This will assist in setting the stage for the information to follow.

During the ancient days on your world, when those you call "the Gods" walked the planet freely, there was a lot of conflict. We are speaking of the days when your species, Homo sapiens, was being developed. Your extraterrestrial forefathers, of course, were primary responsible for the development of Homo sapiens. There was a period in which your primary forefathers did not wish for you to achieve sentience or consciousness. During this time, there were other beings from the stars that silently worked for the liberation of the new human species. This was the original template that originally created the idea of slaves and masters.

We know that you all know that dramas play out on many different levels. Though there may be a drama on one level there is always a counterpart on another level. Simply put, the drama always has a purpose. So if you look at the drama of humankind in its early development, it is easy to get caught in the idea that there are "good guys" and "bad guys." But if we spiral that to another level, let us speak of it from there.

When a species is born, it cannot be handed its freedom. The awareness and consciousness of freedom must be awakened from inside. So often new species get caught in dramas to provide a way for them to then raise themselves to an awareness of their own freedom. So, you see, there is always a reason for drama.

During this early time when man was learning to become free (but struggling with it), there were a group of entities from the stars who agreed to be guardians for mankind. Though these beings came from different star systems, their primary orientation was from Sirius. They began to interact with your planet on many levels. One was directly through humanoid form [as beings from other worlds]. Another was through incarnation on Earth into the human species. These became the leaders and heroes of ancient times. But also, these beings chose to incarnate in other forms on your world -- bodies that could hold a high frequency.

These bodies were those of the cetaceans. The consciousness of the cetacean has a very long lineage. The primary reason for its initial existence was not only as a guide (not just for humankind), but also as a frequency that would uplift the whole planet. So it is quite literal when you hear the dolphins say that they have been waiting for you. Though "waiting" for you is not understood by them in the same way as it is understood by you. They are not impatient. They simply swim the dreamtime with you, in which time and space does not exist in the same way. On a subconscious level, they continually remind you of your True Self and your divine spark. They also remind you of your freedom. The irony of course, is that many human connections with dolphins are made through those that are captive.

The reminder of captivity allows humans to touch their feelings of captivity and thus turn it around to help them achieve their freedom. The higher aspect, the group soul, of the dolphins (as it is more connected to Sirius than Earth), is more magnificent than you can imagine in your heart and mind.

For those of you who wish to participate in the following exercise, please sit comfortably and allow the representation of the Sirius energy to blend with your group field. I will assist in balancing the frequency, because it can be quite an electrical energy. We will bring this entity through the channel's body. Then from her, it shall be dispersed into the group field. In this way, it will be less of a shock. Is this something you will allow? [Yes.]

Sit comfortably. We will bring this energy through and he will guide you further. [Silence as the energy shifts.]

Atun: Our arms embrace you through infinity. You may call this energy "Atun." You may picture the form of light that I embody as follows: We give this to you only to help you bring in the frequency. We are approximately 16 feet tall in your measurement. We have long, thin arms and long, thin legs. We have a large elongated head, with a blue/white energy field with a tinge of gold. This is our celestial image. It is from this energy that cetaceans were born upon your world. And yet, we are simply just another form of you. We do not differentiate.

Take a moment now to breathe into your hearts the celestial energy that we represent. You may simply picture it as the star Sirius. The picture is not important, it is just for assistance. Breathe this celestial energy into your heart through the top of your head. When you breathe it out through your heart, send it to the dolphins. They will breathe it back to us, creating a triad between us so that our breath echoes through eternity. Forever joined we are.

Take a moment to feel the triad between us. We come not to share information but to share experience - to experience another aspect of ourselves. Let us show you another aspect of you. We are told that in a moment, your group is going to engage in an outdoor activity. For that activity, we ask that you continue to connect with this triad energy. There will be much electrical energy. If it is too much for you, you may ask your Higher Self for adjustment. We will be embracing your group, and your guides and masters will be present as well. This experience is merely for all of us to enjoy the blending. Continue, even if it is just in the back of your mind, breathing the triad between Sirius, you, and the dolphins. Breathe in our energy from the cosmos and breathe it to the dolphins. The dolphins will return it to us. The cycle will continue.

Now we ask you to hold this energy as you silently walk outside and seat yourself comfortably in a place where you will be protected from the environment. We ask you to walk quietly because as you are leaving we will be disconnecting from the channel so she can join you outside. When you go outside and sit, remember your reverence exercises that you have been doing. Continue to breathe the triad between you, Sirius, and the dolphins. Simply, open yourself to your celestial aspects. There is no need to "work" tonight. Let yourself receive. Receive more of the beauty that you are.

With deep gratitude, we thank you for the invitation this night. And you may quietly go to take your seat outside by the sea and continue. Open yourself to the cosmos.

Bo, a Baby Dolphin

Hello Children,

I’m a dolphin. I’m only four months old. I live in the waters surrounding a beautiful island called Bimini in the Bahamas. I have a couple of helpful hints for you that just may just give you enough courage to start living your lives like you would if you weren’t so afraid.

Look, I know it’s hard to be a child. I’m only four months old. A four month old dolphin is kind of like a six year old human child. I’m very smart and I’m also very stubborn. I have to swim by my mother’s side and sometimes that rule that makes me really mad

I have a twin sister named Fiona. She’s a very good sister. She does everything my mother asks her to do and she never complains. She never even complains about staying by our mother’s side!

I’ve got a bad temper. Even though I’m only four months old I think I should be able to live my life the way I want to. I sometimes feel like I’m in prison. I have to follow all the rules that my mother asks me to follow and I have to stay close to my pod. A pod, by the way, is a dolphin community.

I just wish all the adults in my pod would listen to me. I’ve got really good ideas. I really do know more than most four month old dolphins. I know more than Fiona. She really has a lot to learn.

At least Fiona loves me enough to listen to my ideas. Fiona and I have very long conversations about angels and what life would be like if all dolphins listened to their angels.

My friend Bly, who is a very wise adult dolphin, said many of you, who are reading this letter, have problems like I do with life. She said that many you have been called stubborn, angry and willful. Bly said some of you get in trouble with your teachers. She told me that often your parents have no idea how to raise you because you are so different from other children.

Bly said you are all very, very smart. She said most of you have every intention of being good but something goes on in your mind that makes you say things like “I don’t believe you! or “You’re wrong!” or “You don’t know what’s best for me!” You say those things when adults ask you to do things that don’t feel helpful. In other words you don’t believe that following their instructions is going to teach you anything new.

Bly said you are just like me. You always want to learn something different. She said your parents ask you to do things like eat your dinner, go to bed on time, do your homework, listen to your teachers, spell correctly, talk politely to people you don’t like, keep on studying for your test even when you know all the answers, sit up straight, make your bed, clean your room, and wear clean clothes. If you don’t do those things your parents ask you to do them until you do. It’s so boring isn’t it!!

But you know what else Bly told me? She said most of the time adults really do know what’s best for you. I, for example, really must swim by my mother’s side. She doesn’t make me swim by her side because she’s mean. She makes me swim by my side to keep me safe.

Bu gets hurt by a shark and learns about Courage

I’m very small. I don’t know much about keeping myself away from sharks. Sharks eat dolphins. I saw my friend get hurt by a shark. My friend was about twelve months old. A one year old dolphin is like an eight year old human child. My friend, whose name is Bu, is just like me. He’s very independent and he’s very smart. He goes off on adventures all by himself.

One day Bu’s mother said he could swim one mile away from the pod. She said he should never swim further than that because he could get into trouble with sharks. Instead of swimming one mile he swam five miles. He found a big school of fish so he began to catch them and eat them. Bu forgot that his mother had told him to swim one mile and immediately come back because the pod was about to swim to a different area of the ocean to hunt.

When Bu didn’t return on time his mother got very worried. She sent a search party out to find him. Five dolphins found Bu but it was almost too late. A big shark called a hammerhead shark bumped into Bu and bit him in the side. The five adult dolphins chased the shark away but the shark turned around and swam back towards them. They took charge and they really scared the shark. They didn’t fight the shark. They didn’t chase it and they didn’t get angry. The dolphins sent the shark a navy blue color I call Courage. They sent the navy blue color from their hearts.

The navy blue color is called a Ray of Joy. Joy is what you feel when you are so happy that you get up and laugh and play and run around. Joy is what you feel when you are getting along with your family and you’ve just been given permission to do something new.

There are about twenty Rays of Joy. Courage is one of my favorites. My friend Bly sends me the Ray of Courage when I’m afraid I’ve been badly behaved. Whenever she gives me Courage I become brave enough to do whatever it is I’ve been asked to do.

You know how it goes. Sometimes you are a bit afraid to behave because if you do your parents or teachers and other adults won’t realize how very definitely you have another way of looking at life. You are afraid they won’t have any reason to listen to your opinion.

When Bly gives me Courage I feel very joyful and I say to myself “I’m very important and I’ve got very strong opinions. I’ll ask that adult to please sit down and talk to me later. Right now I’ll do as I’ve been told. I do know that even children as smart and full of great ideas as me have a lot to learn from adults.”

You know what! The more I behave and do what my mother and Bly ask me to do the more freedom they give me. So ask your parents to give you Courage if they notice you are upset about something they’ve asked you to do. If you feel really grumpy about being asked to do something, give yourself the Ray of Courage. Just imagine yourself being surrounded by navy blue.

Calm, focused, centered dolphins scare sharks

You are probably wondering why the shark swam away when the five adults sent him Courage. Sharks don’t like to receive Rays of Joy from dolphins. The Ray of Courage really makes them anxious. Sharks want dolphins to be afraid of them. A fearful dolphin is a weak dolphin and sharks want dolphins to be weak.

Before adult dolphins send a shark the navy blue ray of Courage they give one another Courage. They become very calm and all their fear of the shark disappears. They became focused. They focus clearly on the shark’s behaviors. They also become centered. When you are centered you are very aware of your body and you move your body efficiently. No shark wants to mess with a calm, focused, centered dolphin.

Bly said some of you put up with mean children and sometimes mean adults called bullies. If a bully ever bothers you send the bully Courage but don’t forget surround yourself in Courage first. That bully might get worried and walk away.

Bo hits his head, heals himself and learns about The Blessing

I want to tell you another story. This is a story about my first attempt to leave my mother’s side. I was only one month old. I was only about three feet long. I was one of four new born dolphins in my pod. One, of course, was Fiona. The others were named Skip and Grip. Fiona, Skip, Grip and I loved to take turns swimming around in circles. Our mothers always supervised us when we played.

I love swimming in circles! One day I got a bit bored so I left my mother’s side and began swimming in circles around her. Everybody else in my pod was relaxing. I kept swimming faster and faster.

A terrible thing happened. I got dizzy and bumped into my mother. I really hurt myself. I hit my head so hard that I got what you call a headache and I began to cry.

My mother asked for help. She said very loudly “My son Bo just hit his head and he’s very upset. Will you please help me help him feel better.” Everybody in the pod surrounded me and sent me a beautiful forest green ray we call The Blessing.

I was really afraid I was going to die. I had never had a headache before and I thought my head was going to blow up. But the minute everyone gave me The Blessing I began to calm down. Then I began to notice how my head really felt. There was one spot over my right eye that hurt. I felt better when I realized that was the only painful spot.

I heard a very loud voice telling me to fill that spot above my eye with the forest green color of The Blessing. That voice was the voice of my friend Bim. Bim’s one of my angels.

Bim is a very big whale who lives in another place called Vu where dolphins and whales live. Dolphins and whales who live on Vu are different. They don’t really have bodies. They don’t eat and they don’t hunt. Dolphins and whales who live on Vu are never afraid.

Bim and his friends are what you call angels. Angels help dolphins and people learn to live happy lives.

Bim’s my best friend. I really think he knows me better than my mother. He doesn’t ever get angry with me even when I’m badly behaved. I really trust Bim. I know he loves me very much.

I filled that painful place above my right eye with the forest green color of The Blessing and the pain went away. I became very centered. When you are centered you are very aware of your body. You notice how your body feels.

I began to move my head back and forth and up and down. I felt nothing but happiness when I realized I wasn’t going to die.

I told everyone in my pod that I felt better. I thanked them very much for their help. I also thanked Bim for his help.

My mother gave me a big kiss and so did Bly. They said they were very proud of me. They said that I proved to every other young dolphin that even the very young can heal their own bodies and take care of their biggest problems.

All young dolphins and children really need to do is learn to listen to their angels. Bly said you all have angels and many of you are good at listening to your angels.

Bly said that sometimes there are problems between you and your parents because your parents have forgotten how to listen to their own angels. You have to realize that parents have a lot of responsibility. The biggest job in the whole wide world is taking care of young children and young dolphins. Parents must work very hard to provide us with food. They also must keep us safe. All that hard work can make a parent tired. Sometimes when you are tired you are so grumpy that you don’t have enough patience to listen to your angels.

Bo says he’s sorry for being self centered and feels very loved

I’m listening to Bim more carefully. Bim helps me remember to be kind to others. Sometimes I get so self-centered that I forget about everyone else in my pod. I even forget about Fiona. When you are self-centered all you care about is yourself.

Sometimes all I feel like doing is swimming in circles and leaping out of the water. Bim says that playing hard is very good for me but there are times when playing isn’t a good idea. I was being self-centered when I swam in circles and hurt my head so badly. Everyone in the pod was relaxing. Dolphins need to relax. They love to relax and breathe very deeply.

I learned from that very bad experience of hurting my head. I learned that being self-centered and playing when I was supposed to be relaxing was very hard on not only me but everyone in my pod. I did something very grown up when I realized how my self-centered behavior of playing during the time for relaxation upset everyone else. Nobody complained about my behavior but I knew I disturbed their rest. Dolphins need to rest so they have enough energy to catch fish.

I said I was sorry to everyone in my pod. I gathered them all around me and said “I’m very sorry I disturbed your rest. I was very self-centered.” Every single pod member came up to me and gave me a big kiss. I began to cry and told them I felt loved.

Then everybody began to cry. We weren’t crying because we were sad. We were crying because we felt so much love for one another.

I noticed that everyone had beautiful love - light coming from their hearts. There are many kinds of love - light. This love - light was a warm red color. We were surrounded in this red love - light that was very similar to the red of a big red delicious apple.

Bim says being still and breathing deeply helps you listen

Bim started to talk to all of us and we all listened very carefully. We all breathed deeply and kept very still.

Bim said “You’ve taken a big step. You’ve learned that being still and breathing deeply helps you listen to one another. When you listen you learn a great deal about love.”

Then Bim told the grownups that they had learned a great deal about helping the very young learn to love. Bim said that by giving me nothing but love, when I hurt my head, the adults helped me learn how my self-centered behavior affected them.

Bim said that I felt so much better after being given The Blessing that I was able to listen to Bim more carefully. As a result I helped myself feel even better. I also realized that I wasn’t being kind to everyone else by playing when I wasn’t supposed to.

Bly said that you have the same ability that I do to give yourself and others the lovely navy blue Ray of Courage and the soothing Ray of The Blessing. She said that you can quietly breathe deeply and listen to your angels. She said that you can also learn to be kind and considerate to everyone in your world.

Bly said you are very smart, gifted children. She said you are going to be special leaders when you grow up. She said some of you will be very great parents who lead your own children the way my mother and Bly have led me. She said some of you will become community leaders and even political leaders. Some of you will be wonderful teachers. Bly said you are going to change the world!!

Blue Dolphin

Blue Dolphin Essences have a history that Avatar Sathya Sai Baba is going to explain. There are Lemurian myths about mer people and dolphins living their lives among Lemurian human beings. The mer people and the dolphins came from a place called Sirius B. Sirius B is a 5th dimensional place of loving, higher consciousness. It is an ocean planet and in the oceans live mer people who are part human and part dolphin. The oceans are also populated by many species of dolphins and whales.

There is a lovely red aura surrounding Sirius B. The red auric layer is surrounded by a blue layer. The red aura represents the red ray of unconditional love. The blue auric layer is the color of the lamp of pure love.

All of the residents of Sirius B are ascended. The mer people and cetaceans of Sirius B know how to love themselves as they love another.

There is a kind of a hierarchy among the residents of Sirius B. There are avatars on Sirius just like there are on earth.

There are avatar dolphins and avatar whales on Sirius B. The avatar dolphins are known as blue dolphins. These blue dolphins have a blue aura representing the lamp of pure love. Some of these Blue Dolphins came to earth to instruct early Lemurians on how to love themselves as they love another.

Lemurians came from many lineages. All Lemurians were influenced by the love teachings of Sirius B's dolphins and mer people. The blue dolphins, however, became the spiritual leaders of Lemuria's humans.

Some blue dolphins incarnated as human beings. All of earth's human avatars originally came to earth as blue dolphin's from Sirius. Jesus and Sai Baba began existence on Sirius B and were among the first blue dolphins to become incarnated as human beings. Jesus' mother Mary was a blue dolphin from Sirius B.

Just keep in mind the quality of being able to handle life's challenges by learning about self love. This is earth's blue dolphin instruction being carried into the New Age.

If you feel a memory of your own early learning about self love, perhaps you originated on Sirius B as a cetacean. It may be you were an early Lemurian who learned from these cetacean instructors from Sirius.

Perhaps you know the lesson of loving yourself as you love another. If so let that learning come back into your consciousness. Contemplate on your past and have a lovely time remembering your lessons in loving yourself as you love another.

The Holy Presence

by Bly, a dolphin

The Blue Dolphin Consciousness of love is what many of you call the Holy Presence. The lilting, magical Holy Presence you may have experienced if you have visited us in our watery home has a Lotus like feeling. A lotus flower symbolizes the Holy Presence that sits in the third eye. The third eye holds the presence of your guardian angel. Your guardian angel sensitively leads you into learning about your own Holy Presence many of you now call your higher self.

My higher self resides on Sirius. My Sirian counter part communicates with me very clearly through my third eye. Everything I share with you about The Rays is really a very blessed gift of wisdom from my higher self. My higher self holds the consciousness of love, the Holy Presence, that you as human beings so often falter in comprehending.

You all have the potential to learn from your own consciousness of love or your own Holy Presence. Your Holy Presence is of course held by your very own higher self.

Your guardian angels do their best to guard you from harmful interference of disturbing frequencies or dark beings until you are able to discriminate between the frequency of your higher self and the frequency dark forces. This ability to discriminate must be carefully learned through dealing with life challenges.

The human race is presently experiencing a consciousness evolution. Those of you who have percolated along through life without fully comprehending the consciousness of love are suddenly experiencing life from a different perspective. Life is beginning to expose you to healing practices that call you to learn to love yourselves more. When you love yourself more you focus on healing your fear. And you find others to guide you in your self- healing either through training with others or one-on-one healing sessions.

Many methods are being communicated through well prepared people who have agreed with their own higher selves to share the unique wisdom of their higher selves with others. My Be the Peace book and my Coat of Many Colors course are my gift to those of you who love to learn the way my friend Kathryn Jensen chooses to instruct others. Kathryn's higher self and my higher self have an agreement to help me help her serve you with this particular presentation of how communicate with your own guardian angel. Your own Holy Presence communicates through your guardian angel.

My methods and my expression of my higher self’s wisdom are likely to appeal to those of you appreciate the lilting, magical essence of those you call dolphins. We would love to have you come to Bimini in the Bahamas to swim with us. Our waters are becoming more and more accessible thanks to the efforts of dolphin swim facilitators we approve of. We are very consciously devoting ourselves to helping certain facilitators become more conscious of our mission.

Our Mission Statement

We, The Blue Dolphin Community of Bimini ask for all human beings and all dolphins to commit to creating world peace.

We commit to helping you communicate with your guardian angels. The guardian angel who loves you so holds your code to becoming the peace you are.

We commit to helping you purify yourself of as much fear as is best for you and your current stage of evolution.

We commit to loving you

The depth of your inner peace holds the code for living.

May we all live happily, lovingly and consciously.

We hold you in our Holy Presence. We ask that you hold us in yours.

We are yours in service

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Walking Inside A Painting

Take your notebook and paper to your local art gallery - or call in at a gallery while you are holidaying. Sit quietly in front of a painting that you find yourself drawn to and permit yourself to become a part of the scene. Do some relaxation exercises to warm up and to get yourself into the mood. Then permit yourself to be transported to the world of the artist. Wait until words rise from deep within. Only then begin to write.

Do not stop to think. Just write about where you are and what happens. You could write directly in the Bravenet forum I have provided or add your piece afterwards. Please identify the imagery you have chosen if you do this.

Silent Witness
done after walking inside Fredrick McCubbin's 'Lost'.

A silent witness, careful not to allow a twig to creak, I watched her, a diminutive figure enveloped amid the tall grey gums. Spires of yellowed grass cover her ankles as she weeps in her pinnie. The poor creature is clearly disorientated. She is hopelessly lost.

Will I approach and direct her, knowing that my intervention will be misinterpreted, that she will become even more frightened and the subsequent events will indelibly change history? What could I say to this young girl, a clay faced stranger in this wild foreign land? She has no clue. She stand pathetically weeping instead of looking for trails, the marks amid the bush that would lead her safely back to the small tent I saw in the valley little more than fifty meters away.

So close! Yet so far away! She may as well be a million miles from those clay faced men drinking outside their tent. She is inept, vulnerable and as helpless as a fledgling eagle separated from its mother.

I turn to walk away, silently, under the cover of the mute surroundings. I will return to my people and warn them of the arrival of more of these people. This group may perish but others will follow. I have seen these clay faced people on our land, people who leave huge scars across the earth, faceless people who will one day be as lost and disorientated as this child.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Heal the Polarity Within

Jennifer Hoffman
Wednesday, 21 January, 2009

We have come full circle in humanity's journey from separation to integration, from total focus on the material to re-integration of the spiritual and from polarity to connection. We can see the effects of polarity in the world we live in but our greatest challenge in overcoming polarity is to create balance within, to heal and release those areas of our life where we experience life's ups and downs, joys and sorrows and remember who we are and our true mission of spiritual mastery.

Wherever you are on the roller coaster of your emotions at this moment is where you are experiencing polarity. Polarity is an excess of any energy and the opposite of polarity is reconnection and neutrality, when we are in the flow and not experiencing huge swings in any direction. Any aspect of your life that is out of the vibration of joy and unconditional love indicates where you can choose connection over polarity, balance over chaos, transform your thinking and create connection to the miracle vibration that is your true destiny. We choose to experience pain to remind us of our need to reconnect but there is an easier way to create this path.

Each of us is an aspect of the Creator, a spark of divine consciousness that together, creates the entire experience of God on earth. We have chosen polarity as our vision of being disconnected and now it is time for us to go home, to remember that Creator spark within, reconnect with it and to make it the focus of our life. There is no divine mandate that says we have to suffer; instead, there is a divine mandate that says that we can enjoy life, appreciate the beauty of our earthly home and learn from joy instead of from pain. But each of us makes that choice from within.

As a human family we are ready for this moment, as we have had every possible experience of polarity and all of the pain associated with it. Every choice has unlimited options, those that we see and others that enter our consciousness when we make reconnection our first choice. At that moment we are given unlimited possibilities for our path and we can choose the most joyful, peaceful and miraculous ones that will bring heaven on earth into our lives, remove us from the vibration of polarity into reconnection and unconditional love. When we do this for ourselves we enable it for all of humanity.