Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Think backwards

When you're planning to travel, where do you usually begin that planning? You begin with the destination.

You cannot know what direction to go unless you know where you would like to end up. So a successful plan begins with the destination and works its way backwards to the point where you begin.

When you desire to reach a specific goal, the same kind of approach will work very well. Start with the end goal, and develop your plan backwards from there.

When you're clear about the goal, you can easily figure out what would be the last step necessary to reach that goal. When you know the last step, you can determine what the step before that will be.

You can develop your plan, step by step, from the end to the beginning. When you do, instead of wondering what the best first step would be, you'll know precisely what to do first, what to do after that, and what to do after that.

However ambitious the goal may be, there is something you can do right now to get off to a solid start. Visualize the goal, work backwards step by step, and you'll know precisely how to begin.

-- Ralph Marston

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Joe Vitale is a brilliant teacher of prosperity in business. He's got one of my articles - an outline to Holistic Marketing on http://www.mrfire.com/article-archives/guest-articles/holistic-marketing.html

Holistic Marketing Must-Do's:
1.Set the example of your work – where is the benefit of what you have learnt to you yourself? Demonstrate that in the world.
2.Get regular treatments yourself – or dose yourself with flower remedies, get swaps etc.
3.Visualisation. Visualise the good effect of your work on dozens of people every day. That draws them just as fast as advertising.
4.If you are a healer, send healing to your clients after their sessions too.
5.Meditation. Spend at least two minutes a day visualising yourself where you want to be next year. Do this until you feel deep, pleasant emotion because then you are starting to manifest it.
6.Use affirmations.e.g: 'My work is loving, effective and much sought-after.'
7.Prayer. Ask to be shown how to reach people – and what, if anything you need to amend.
8.Address prosperity issues – to do with spirituality and wealth. Work out what your issues around finances and marketing are and do what you can to heal them.
In a nutshell – live your therapy or work. If it's not working for you, why are you trying to sell it to somebody else?

Decide who you are and what makes you and your business special.

Set yourself a silly annual goal like testing out all the crème brulees in the country or seeing all the pre-Raphaelite paintings. If you have a life, you'll resonate that in your business.

If people say you charge too much say: 'My fee includes this, this and this…what do you want me to leave out?' Remember, your fee is about the time you took to learn all this.

If other people are doing better than you check out your own resistances to success. Good affirmation: 'What God does for others, He now does for me – and more.'

Social World/Human nature responds to:
Attention-getting devices – campaigns, special offers;
Sound-bites - attention spans are short;
Name of business – make it catchy;

Mailing List
Start a customer newsletter including. quotations and articles. Give out for free whenever you can. Email is easiest. And send to radio stations, newspapers, TV too.
Start with the old favourite, the Tip Sheet: a concentrated list of 6-12 ideas around all aspects of your subject.

Ten practical uses for aromatherapy oils
Ten things you can do to help yourself with acupressure
Ten ways to relieve stress
Ten tips for a prosperous life

Establish Yourself as an Expert
Have feedback forms that can be used for testimonials on leaflets or your website.
Notice what magazines are writing about and how it pertains to you and suggest new angles.

Contact radio stations – 'I'd love to talk to you about what I'm doing' – most have slots for therapists/life coaches.

Letters to the Editor…read more than any other part of the paper. Positive letters WILL get published - whenever you see an article in your area of expertise, ADD TO IT with a letter. 'Readers might also like to know that…Tell them why you're commenting as an expert. 'As someone who…I was delighted to read….I do the same…

Write for your association magazine.

Write columns for websites.

Articles, newsletters, conferences in our field. MBS etc.

CDs of meditations/tips/ideas to help people.

Volunteer work…hospice? Prisons?

Holistic Marketing Must-Do's:
1.Set the example of your work – where is the benefit of what you have learnt to you yourself? Demonstrate that in the world.
2.Get regular treatments yourself – or dose yourself with flower remedies, get swaps etc.
3.Visualisation. Visualise the good effect of your work on dozens of people every day. That draws them just as fast as advertising.
4.If you are a healer, send healing to your clients after their sessions too.
5.Meditation. Spend at least two minutes a day visualising yourself where you want to be next year. Do this until you feel deep, pleasant emotion because then you are starting to manifest it.
6.Use affirmations.e.g: 'My work is loving, effective and much sought-after.'
7.Prayer. Ask to be shown how to reach people – and what, if anything you need to amend.
8.Address prosperity issues – to do with spirituality and wealth. Work out what your issues around finances and marketing are and do what you can to heal them.
In a nutshell – live your therapy or work. If it's not working for you, why are you trying to sell it to somebody else?


How to Make a Harmony Wheel

How to Make a Harmony Wheel
Picturing your own prosperity is a powerful way to bring it to you and one of the best ways to do that is to create a Prosperity Wheel. This is a visual image of what you want to create which acts as a constant reminder to think about abundance and happiness instead of misery and lack.

Many spiritual teachers such as Catherine Ponder or Shakti Gawain recommend Prosperity Wheels (also called Treasure Maps) to help create what you need in your life.

Firstly you need to find or buy a large piece of paper or poster board, preferably coloured. Strong colours make a stronger impression on the mind. Make the wheel as big and bright and colourful as possible. Drab small images bring drab and small results!

In her book Open Your Mind to Prosperity (De Vors) Catherine Ponder suggests the following colour schemes:

Green and gold for finances, jobs and career success.
Yellow or white for spiritual understanding and development.
Blue for education, intellect, writing books or articles or studying for a degree.
Yellow or orange for health and energy.
Pink or warm red for love, marriage, happiness in human relationships.

Once you have chosen the colour of background which best reflects your goals, find a picture of yourself looking happy and healthy and looking straight at you and stick it in the centre of the paper. Some people prefer to put a spiritual symbol there instead of themselves but I find that the Prosperity Wheel works better with the spiritual symbol (whatever inspires you) placed at the top to help channel spiritual prosperity to you.

Next work out exactly what you do want in your life, whether it's love, a new home, a car, a job, a holiday, a baby or whatever. This is vital. Prosperity wheels actually work and if you put something on one that you don't really want, you can end up with a problem.

Words and Pictures

Then find colour pictures that reflect or represent the things you want in your life and stick them on the paper around your picture. Draw lines from you to the pictures, like the spokes of a wheel, and write on them the embodiment of your dreams, such as 'I now have a loving, faithful, kind and honest partner and we love each other.' Be sure to write these 'affirmations' in the present tense. Remember how literal the Universe gets - if you want something now, you have to inform the Universe that it is already planning to send it to you.

Finally, write the all-important Universal Disclaimer on your wheel. This goes as follows:
These things or something better now manifest for me, in easy and pleasant ways, for the highest good of all concerned.

This is important so that you do not get the cash for that longed-for holiday through a court case or insurance after breaking a leg or you do not get anything which would hurt anyone else. You need to be very clear. Be warned that a prosperity wheel is a very powerful thing and it needs to be made and used with respect. It is vital that you ask for things for the highest good. Otherwise you are practising magic rather than spirituality and the consequences for you and others could be unpleasant.


Be very careful that you only ask for what you truly want and consider the consequences of asking! Do not go crazy and put up a picture of Russell Crowe, Jennifer Aniston or any other famous person and ask for them to be the new relationship in your life (though using their pictures to denote the type of looks that you like is okay. Just make it clear in your link to the picture that it's the type you are after).

Never ask for a relationship with a married man or woman even if you are in love with one. That really does create bad Karma.

One man who was looking for love actually married a woman who was already pictured on his wheel, even though he didn't know it at the time. Her picture was on a poster on the wall behind him in the picture he used of himself. He had put his wheel away by the time he met her and only realised after they were married.

That was an example of synchronicity or even destiny BUT even if you do want to go out with someone famous, don't ask for it specifically and don't push the Universe - it doesn't have a sense of humour. God, on the other hand, does and the two together can mean that you get exactly what you asked for and you won't like it!

If you do ask for something unrealistic such as Mr. Crowe or Ms. Aniston, it is actually possible that you could find yourself having a fling or even in a partnership with a famous person who has dumped a very well-known and beautiful husband or wife for you and may even be in the process of a costly and public divorce. This might or might not be Mr. Crowe or Ms. Aniston themselves - but if it couldn't get them, the Universe would still be doing its best and would turn up someone else semi-well known, from another country and (probably) with an ego the size of a house.

Then you might end up with stepchildren; you will have to move across the world, the tabloids will constantly compare your face, figure and background (unflatteringly) with your predecessor who will probably bitch about you in public. You will constantly fear being replaced; you may have to live with a bodyguard watching your every move. You would certainly never dare go out of the front door without full make-up and designer clothes (and that's just for men!) and the day after there was a huge feature on the two of you in Hello magazine, you'd get dumped. Would you really want that?

What would be even worse than all that would be for you to find that you really didn't like your movie star after all, and it had all been for nothing.

Just thought you'd like to know all these things!

Ask For Yourself Only.

Do not ask for things that do not concern you. You may only represent your own life on a prosperity wheel. It is perfectly fair to put up pictures of loved ones affirming love and happiness between you because that is part of your own life. But making a prosperity wheel for someone else without their permission is interference in their life of the highest order.

If a friend or loved one is sick and you want to picture them surrounded by health and love and light, still get their permission first. The only exceptions are if your spouse or your children are too sick to help themselves.

Film stars aside, make sure your pictures represent what you really want.

My ex and I once wanted a larger home the Midlands. We had a dual prosperity wheel with a picture of us in the middle but my ex decided to put a picture of Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland on the wheel in the place of the new home.

Within two weeks we had received an offer from old friends to join them in a venture of buying and restoring an old and very large house in Scotland. Rather swiftly, my ex took the Scottish picture down and replaced it with one of the kind of houses that we really wanted. He also added the words 'in the Midlands' on the spoke of the prosperity wheel leading to the house - and the perfect home turned up within months.

NB Unless your partner is 100% with you in prosperity work, don't put a joint picture on your wheel. If you do, then their energy will pull against yours and the wheel almost certainly won't work.

I also know of a woman who desperately wanted a baby and planned her wheel down to the last detail. But she never actually made it. When pushed as to why she hadn't followed through, she realised that the wish for the baby was a fantasy; she was not ready for a family and there was work to be done in the relationship with her husband before they went ahead. Without the promise of fulfilment the wheel offered her, she might not have thought the situation through and got pregnant much too early.

Another woman put a picture of herself holding her baby niece in her section on 'good health and happiness in family and friends' and five months later found herself pregnant. She had not wanted children that early in her marriage and she was taking contraception - but she had put out a message to the Universe that she wanted to hold a baby, and it delivered.

However, the stories I have of successful and happy outcomes of prosperity wheels far outweigh the mistakes. I know of new confidence, financial windfalls, babies, new jobs, homes and great relationships, all of which came for prosperity students who made a wheel.

I once made one for a magazine article and asked a friend if I could feature her. She said yes – and approved all the pictures. This was a wheel to attract romance. Within two months she was going out with a male friend of mine. The Universe saw that I had made her the wheel therefore her prosperity came through me.

The relationship lasted for more than two years and was very healing for both of them – but now it's time for her to make her own wheel to attract her true life-partner.

Usually a couple of things on your wheel will happen swiftly, as though they were only waiting your permission to manifest. Others take more time - maybe even up to a year. They can only come when your subconscious mind can accept that you deserve them, so there is often more inner work to do.

If something doesn't happen, you need to examine whether it would be for the highest good of all if it did come. If you are stuck, it is sometimes worth getting someone else's point of view on the issue. That's why prosperity support groups are so valuable.


Where you place your wheel is also important. Many teachers say it should be hidden away so others cannot deride it or interfere with it. However, one woman had one of her dreams come true simply through a friend seeing what she was asking for and revealing that they knew how to achieve her goal. This one is up to you.

However, the Feng Shui of the place in your home, where the wheel is, can be important. There are areas of houses which do not have the correct flow of 'chi' to promote prosperity everywhere. If you do not know the Feng Shui of where you live, your best bet is to put the wheel next to, or on the door of, the main door into a room. This is known as 'The Gateway of Chi' and is a neutral area which will not interfere with the energies of a wheel.

Finally, look at and enjoy the pictures of what you are creating in your life. Change them as they become real or as you realise you no longer need them. When you feel you have had enough of looking at the wheel, take it down and either dismantle it or throw it away and make another one. Don't be surprised if it goes on working long after it has been taken down.

Psychic Space Clearing Meditation

The major advantages of keeping your psychic space clear are:

~ You don't attract problems to yourself.

~ You avoid what may seem like accidents.

~ You find that you say more appropriate things.

~ You feel more centered and directed.

These may sound like small advantages but they will make your life much more manageable. This exercise of Psychic Self Care, if practiced twice daily, will become automatic for most people within 6 months to 1 year. I think of it like the automatic pumping of my heart now, I don't have to think about it, it just works.

Step 1:

Make a quiet time for yourself, if you meditate do this just before you begin, it will only take a few minutes and the advantages are well worth the extra time.

Step two:

Request your highest guides to be with you as you relax, take 3 deep breaths.

Step three:

Picture a rose with a long stem in front of you. When you have the rose there place another behind you, then one on either side, one above your head and a 6th just under your feet. Don't get discouraged, use your wonderful imagination, the roses can be open or closed and any color is O.K Keep breathing.

Once you have mastered this move onto:

Step four:

Put your attention on the bottoms of your feet, imagine yourself opening a place in the bottom of your feet in the center, as you do this you can feel the energy begin to tingle there. Next imagine like the roots of a tree going from the bottom of your feet down into the earth, feel the cool earth and the rock as you move easily through it all the way to the center of the earth. Now allow the energy from the center of the earth to come up through the bottom of your left foot and into your ankle, calf, knee, thigh and into you pelvis and lower abdomen. When it gets to this point direct the earth energy down to your right thigh, knee, calf, ankle and out your right foot back into the earth.

Step five:

As you continue to run the earth energy, direct your attention to the top of you head, and imagine yourself opening a place in the top of your head, as you do this you begin to feel that tingling just like you feel in your feet. As you do this feel the Light Energy of your Highest Self begin to move into your head, neck, shoulders, down your arms and back to your pelvis.

Step six:

As these two energies meet, direct the Earth energy to mix with the Light energy and this mixture move up the front of your body, out the top of your head like a fountain and imagine this mixture of Earth and Light Energies pouring over your entire being.

Step seven:

Continue this for about 3 to 5 min.

Step eight:

When you feel complete, imagine the Light energy moving up your spine and back out the top of your head and the Earth energy moving from your abdomen and pelvis down your legs and feet and back into the earth. Be sure to imagine that the bottoms of your feet and the top of your head are closed when you finish this part of the exercise.

Step nine:

Be sure to look for your roses you planted in your auric garden. If they have wilted or lost their stems (grounding cord) then imagine them full and complete and grounded again.

Pleiadan Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin

Transform Fear Into Creativity

You literally have all the tools inside you to assist in your own health and well being. You can reduce your stress, release fear, focus better, and learn to harness your body and mind to facilitate the health and life changes you want.

By Michele Meiché

1. How can you get over what you fear? You can transform it into creativity. Fear is a very powerful energy. In fact, it is an energy in motion – An emotion. I have found the best way to harness this energy is to use it positively. You can write, draw, go for a walk, run, or even swim. The main thing is not to dwell on what you fear. I have a 3-minute rule. I use this with many of my clients. I say allow yourself 3 - 30 minutes to mull things over and dwell; and then put the fear away and do something proactive and uplifting for yourself. I also suggest listening to my CD Transforming Fear into Creativity and to do the meditation processing on it. I do this, myself, once a day; sometimes more depending on what new challenge I am experiencing. We all have fear. Fear is natural to a degree and doesn’t go away; however it can be a powerful tool if it is harnessed right.

2. Ever notice how hard it is to get out of a bad mood? It is easier to get out of a bad mood by not getting into one! How you might say? You can set the tone for your day at the beginning of the day.Your day literally starts before you get out of your bed. Start your day by not rushing…. Take a little extra time getting out of your bed and do a 3 minute focused meditation. After awakening don’t just rebound out of your bed. Lay there for a minute or two, close your eyes, focus on your breathing and slow your breath down. Tell yourself "I am in the flow of my day. I am calm and centered inside." Now bring your attention and focus to the top of your head and notice how you are breathing. Begin to notice the part of you that is observing you. If thoughts come in your mind that’s ok, focus on your breath and keep it at a slow stead pace. Repeat to yourself " I am in the flow of my day. I am calm and centered inside." Now you are ready for your day. You are now your own stress management consultant. And, if by chance the day is hectic at least you will be relaxed and centered inside.

3. Your breath is a wonderful tool for relaxation and it is free. It is said that when the breath is steady the mind is calm. The next time you are feeling rushed or stressed over some situation try this exercise; better yet, try this exercise for 21 days and notice how you change your overall attitude in life. Take about 10 minutes for yourself, go somewhere where you can have some quite time. Now get in a comfortable relaxed position. Allow yourself to take this time to focus on relaxation and rejuvenation. Close your eyes. Now with your inner gaze focus on the heart – lung area of your body and begin to slow your breath down. Allow your breath to slow down. Now begin to breathe in for a count of 3, lightly hold for a count of 3, and exhale slowly all the way out for a count of 3. Allow yourself to breathe all the way into your stomach-abdomen area. Do this 5 or 6 times. Now allow your breath to go back to its natural rhythm and simply watch your breath. Notice how you feel. Focus on each inhalation and each exhalation. If any thoughts come in your mind, simply bring your focus back to your breath. Now see how much more calm and relaxed your are. You can now decide to live in a relaxed and healthy way, And, like anything else practice makes perfect.

4. Many people now see success coaches to help them accomplish their goals.This can be costly and time consuming. You can be your own success coach by visualizing and rehearsing your success twice a day. It is best to do this at a time you have for yourself and this process. First, I would suggest writing down your goal. Write this down in the present tense as if you were already living your goal or dream.Next, you will need to get into a comfortable and relaxed state. It is much easier to create positive changes in a relaxed state. This state also begins to quiet " The Doubter "part of us all. You know the part that says you can’t do this! Now, close your eyes and get in a comfortable relaxed state. Slow your breath down. Breathe in for a count of 3. Hold your breath, lightly for a count of 3. Exhale all the way out for a count of 3. Do this for a couple of times until you feel more relaxed; then visualize yourself experiencing your goal or dream. Notice how you feel and use this feeling to connect more with your goal. Next imagine yourself achieving your goal and living your dream. Research has shown that most people that succeed in their goals can see themselves achieving their goals and living their dream. This is most noted with athletes, who use the power of visualization and focus to meet their goals. If you can see it, and believe it; you can achieve it.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Daily Prayer: This I Know

Everything on the earth has a purpose and a reason for its existence.
Every human being is a warrior and every warrior has a song written
in his/her heart and that song must be sung or the soul forever
remains restless.

This song is always about serving the Great Spirit and helping the
people. This song is always sung for the people. Many times I need to
learn much about the difficulties of life.

I need to know this, so I must experience it. Then I can be of use to
the people. Because I am experiencing difficulty does not mean I have
left the path or that I have done something wrong. It means I'm doing
the will of the Great Spirit during these times of testing. I need to
pray constantly to keep a good attitude.

Great Spirit,
this I know -
You will never leave me, only my doubting makes it seem like You do.
This I know -
Your love is always dependable, only my doubting makes it seem like
You do.

Today remove the doubts from my belief system and allow me to stand
straight and see You with straight eyes.

from http://www.whitebison.org

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Spirituality and the Presence of Dragonfly

Spirituality and the Presence of Dragonfly
by Estee Taschereau

Dragonflies are ancient insects dating back over 180 million years old.
In the USA alone there are over 650 species of dragonflies in the US alone. These amazing creatures have been a symbol of grace
in teachings of Feng Shui, and a symbol in shamanism for transformation and seeing in a new light.

FEATHER~WINGS Pictures, Images and Photos

Dragonflies spend their first two years in the water as nymphs.
Then they climb from the water and transform completely into winged insects with great agility and speed.
Their agility in flight is similar to that of the hummingbird,
another powerful totem spirit.

During its two year incubation cycle in the water the dragonfly sheds up to fifteen skins. The dragonfly also holds the qualities of the water,
contributing to its grace.
Water holds deep seated thoughts, emotions, and the yin quality of introspect.

JEWEL~HUES Pictures, Images and Photos

Since the dragonfly life cycle encompasses both the waters and the sky
this creature is tied to our own transformationa....l abilities. The key is to remember that any transformation,.... to be complete, takes time.

Dragonflies possess the spectrums of color in their transparent wings
and their vision. We can bring focus to the great spectrum of luminous colors available to us through our higher spiritual presence. The multi-faceted eyes of a dragonfly also show us that anything can be seen from different perspectives, even the illusions of life.

SWIRLING Pictures, Images and Photos

In our own spiritual journey we can bring in many spiritual totems to represent a quality we seek to embellish in our life.
The totem of a dragon fly can mean gaining greater understanding
of our life long transformation process, with patience for what is known
and yet to be discovered.

The dragonfly totem is a great focal point for a meditation.
You can bring in the transformationa....l quality of the dragonfly,
with clarity of perception within the moment, and the grace of the overall transformation we create in our lives.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Begin With Gratitude

Begin With Gratitude

A day that begins with gratitude is a day that you'll

be able to fill with positive progress. When you're

sincerely appreciative of where you

are and what you have, you'll

greatly expand your own possibilities.

Begin with a thankful thought and connect

yourself with the abundance that is all around you.

There is always something for which you can be

sincerely thankful and the simple act

of being thankful ignites a

productive momentum in your world.

Make gratitude your first response and it will soon

become an empowering perspective from which

you can achieve great things. Rather than

looking for something to criticize, look for things

to genuinely praise. Make the most positive

qualities the first things you notice in people,

in your surroundings, and in the

situations which come along.

By focusing your thoughts on the positive aspects

of your life, you cause their influence to grow. Be

grateful, and your gratitude happily

creates even more things in your life

for which you can be grateful.

The appreciation for what you have gives more

value to all that you are. The blessings you

enjoy are blessings precisely because

you see them as such.

Tap into the great reservoir of real value that is

already available to you. Live with gratitude,

and you'll create even more reasons to be thankful.

Ralph Marston

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

For Someone Who's Grieving

Something has left your life and changed it. However much you may wish otherwise, you will never be the same. What has happened to you may be the most heart-..wrenching experience you have ever known. Perhaps you have lost what you thought you could not possibly live without. Perhaps something has been taken from you that has given your life deep meaning and great joy. Perhaps you have been given news that threatens to be your undoing.

But you can heal. You can be whole again. You can be you.

The best way to handle your feelings is not to "handle" them but to feel them.

You may receive unhelpful messages from others about how to deal with your feelings as you go through this chaotic time of your life. You may receive such messages even from yourself. Here are three examples:

1. "You must be strong now." Sometimes you're expected to be strong for your own sake, and sometimes it's for other people, usually those in your own family. "Be strong," of course, has another translation: "Don't show that you're weak by putting your emotions on open display."

2. "You're handling this very well." The translation here is, "You're not crying and acting upset in front of others." It's reported that an entire generation took important cues about handling their loss from Jackie Kennedy on national TV in the days following JFK's murder. Her private, reserved way need not be yours.

3. "Cheer up. You'll be over this soon." Many people know how to respond better to happy faces than sad ones. They have special difficulty when those faces stay sad for a long time. In a subtle way they're saying to people like you, "Hurry up now. Let's get this part over with." They're saying this more for their own comfort than for yours.

If you hear these or similar messages, you will do yourself a favor to ignore them.

You may experience feelings you'd expect. You may be angry, if not enraged. You may be unusually anxious and not understand why. You may feel a real sense of relief, as if a burden has been lifted from you. Afterward you may feel embarrassed that you felt so relieved. You may feel guilty, unexpectedly so.

Another sensation you may experience is this: almost no feeling at all. You may feel empty and numb. That's a common reaction at first. It's a sign that your body may be protecting you for awhile, until you are more ready to process all that has occurred.

But you cannot escape your emotions.

Your choice is simply this: you can experience your feelings and move through them as they surface, or you can put them off until another time. But you do not have the choice of putting them off forever. Somehow, sometime, your feelings will demand your attention. By then they may be even stronger and deeper than now.

REMEMBER: the best way out is always through. The best way to get beyond your feelings is to experience them as fully as you can and as often as you need to. Sometimes it makes perfect sense to act a little crazy.

If your loss has been severe, and if your pain is intense, you may have cause to lose your reason. You may feel and act not quite normal. That happens naturally when everything around you feels abnormal.

If there are signs this is happening to you, keep the following ideas in mind:

*First of all, try not to panic. You're actually in good company. Lots of people pass through "the crazies," emerging with all their faculties fully intact. Remember that you sometimes need to fall apart before you can come back together in a healthier way.

*Select one person whom you trust for their honesty and their maturity, and ask them to be your gauge. If you want feedback about how you're responding, or if you want assistance with your decision-..making, turn to that person. Don't attempt to follow everyone's advice -- it won't work.

*Talk things out. Speak whatever is on your mind. You may find that some of your thoughts are irrational, but you won't know that until you've heard yourself saying them out loud. Sometimes it's only after you've spoken opposing ideas that you know both thoughts cannot be true at the same time.

*Keep a journal about what's going on inside. Then go back in a few weeks or a few months and see how your thinking is changing. Notice the ways you're growing.

*Take yourself lightly at times.
While your life may feel justifiably heavy these days, it's still possible you may begin to see the humor in some of the things you've said and done. Smile at yourself, and be forgiving. Remember your stories so you can retell them one day as a way of helping others, just as Helen Hayes has done for you.

by James E. Miller @ willowgreen.com

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Crystal Children: Transmitters of Multi-Dimensional Light

We greet you, beloved fellow inhabitants of the Multi-Dimensional Earth. We rejoice with you that so many of you have now completed your transitions and are now willing to help others to make their transitions into the higher frequencies of consciousness.

Our Work With You

We, as the Crystal Children, incarnated on Earth to assist you to raise the frequencies of consciousness on the Planet. At first there was only a small group of us, but we worked with those of you who were ready to make your transitions and ascend into multi-dimensional consciousness. And, as you made your transitions, we held you in our energy fields. We helped you to remember a time when you had experienced this energy before, in ancient Egypt, in Atlantis and in Lemuria. And we helped you to keep your balance as you made this difficult journey back to your true identity as Human Angels. This was difficult for all of us. For you, making the shift was intense and demanding spiritual work. For us, it was equally arduous. We had to deal with the demands of incarnation into a human body while also assisting the Planet in its shift to the Higher Dimensions of Light.

The Crystal Children and their Spiritual Mission

We need you to understand that although we are perceived as children, we are Masters of Multi-Dimensional frequency. When we incarnate into your families, we take the bodies of children, but our energies reach far beyond these limits. A Crystal Child has a huge aura, relative to the average person. The aura may extend from five to ten miles in radius. Sometimes even more, depending on the strength and center of the child. In our Higher Dimensions, we are constantly monitoring the energy levels around us, and using our energies to help to balance and shift these energies. This work accounts for why so many of us are over-energised and anxious at times. We are filtering through our awareness the energies of those around us. This was our choice and our mission to assist the planet at this time. But we need you, as our parents and caregivers, to be understanding of how much work we are doing of which you may not be aware.

Masters of Light

Crystal children are Masters of Light and Sound Frequencies. They balance frequencies in their immediate area, and globally, by transmitting through their bodies and their auras whatever colour frequency or ray is needed by the planet or by that area. Most often this is the Gold or Magenta rays, which are primary in the Ascension process. Crystal adults are also part of this process, but generally find it easier because once they have made their transition they have a better idea of how to balance their energies and care for themselves. Crystal children have to rely on their parents and caregivers to understand why their energy may fluctuate and why they have special diet and other needs. So, parents of Crystal children, we ask of you to understand how important it is to nurture us and care for us in ways that enable us to carry out our work for you and for the Planet.

Love and Support

As Crystal Children we require love and support. The more love you transmit to us, the more we are empowered to transmit our Higher Frequencies to the places on the Planet where they are needed. We, as Crystal children, always choose parents or siblings who are Indigos, because we need that energy of the Spiritual Warrior to support us. We need you to believe in us enough to support us by refusing to drug us or force us to conform to conventional 3D ways of being that are against our multi-dimensional natures. And if you can support our being - we in turn can support you in your changes.

August 2004

In this period the first wave of transitioners have stabilized into the 5th and 6th dimensions. This is good news for us, because it means that there is now a significant group of Crystal Adults to assist the Crystal children to hold the energies on the Planet and to help to create the New Earth. And because this group has achieved stability, many more people will be able to start their transitions in the near future, and many more will join us in creating the New Earth. But the good news for us is that we can now direct more of our energy and light into being what we truly are on the Physical level- Masters of Love and Peace. So, soon you will begin to truly experience the healing powers of the Crystal Children as Bringers of Peace and Love. We will speak to you of this next month. Thank you for being with us and working with us!

Blessings of Peace to You All!

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© 2006-7 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com

It has been noted that there is a considerable increase in the number of children being diagnosed as Autistic and Asperger's Syndrome. There are theories that it is due to a negative reaction to the immunizations required today. Others believe it could be the increase in toxic substances and environmental causes. Many have prophesized that the new children coming to this planet have unique characteristics to aid planet Earth in its ascension process. These children have been termed the Crystal Children.

What are the major attributes of the Crystal's?

The name "Crystal Children" is derived from the chakra that these children mainly operate from which is the Crown Chakra. The color associated with the Crown Chakra is a pure white or deep purple and its function is the direct connection to Source. Therefore, the Crystal children are completely aligned with God. This explains the fact that the Crystal's are highly evolved spiritual beings caught between the third, fourth and fifth dimension. The ones labeled autistic are hovering in the fourth and fifth dimension and can hardly relate to the third. The Crystal children, the same as the Indigo's, are highly intuitive and psychic. However, the Crystal's take it one step further by possessing an innate ability for telepathy, performing hands on miracle healings, and telekinetics. Their spiritual abilities and development is on a deep and profound level. Is it any wonder they cannot relate to us mere humans?!

You will know you have met a Crystal child just by looking into their large, dreamy, intense eyes. They emit a calm, loving presence. You can sense as they read you energetically and size you up. If you pass their authenticity test, you will begin to feel them slowly warm up to you. Don't rush it. If you come on too strong they will immediately retreat. If you sit back and wait, you will feel them open up to you and can enjoy their lovely, jovial personality. It makes you feel warm inside just being in a Crystal child's presence. People, especially other children, will flock to them to bask in their goodness.

The Crystal children are wired in a unique way. They are so sensitive that they cannot assimilate fully into the dense harsh world of our planet and society. Many times they become burdened and over stimulated by loud noises or angry words. They will retreat further into themselves if they perceive that the world is unsafe. They have enhanced senses, utilizing all of them and may develop strong sensitivities to foods, sounds, dense energies, environmental stimulations, chemicals and scents. If they are out of balance or if their aura is too strong they have a tendency to short out electric equipment such as computers, cell phones, radios, lights, etc. They absorb energies of those around them. It is necessary for them to learn psychic hygiene at a young age.

In addition, the Crystal children are very creative, loving, and affectionate and filled with wonder and awe. They have a million questions and tons of new ways of doing things in various and innovative ways. If the children feel you are authentic, loving, kind and filled with integrity they will open up to you like a flower. They will welcome you into their private world and share their uniqueness with you. The Crystal's become very interested in specific topics of interest and will learn as much information as they can and will eagerly discuss it with anyone interested.

However, if a Crystal finds you or their environment to be too harsh or negative they will rebel in a harsh and furious way. They will either retreat into their private world or become violent and volatile. Finding ways to keep them balanced and content is extremely important. They have a tendency to relate better to adults or children older than they are, rather than to their peers. They will connect with peers if they find others on the same frequency.

The Indigo child's mission is to shake things up with their refusal to conform to societies standards by being outspoken and rebellious so that the old system is destroyed and a new Earth is created filled with peace, balance and integrity The Crystal's purpose on the planet is to realign balance to our planet. They are directly aligned with Source that they can tap into the Divine resources.

Our role as parent, teacher or role model is to create an environment where these children can flourish. Being a public school teacher I must admit that it is a challenge to understand children that seem so removed from the norm. We are being challenged to change our perceptions of our role as educators. Teachers needed to be educated to the needs of our new children. The children require the sacredness to be their authentic selves and have room to explore their essence.

We can change the world only one soul at a time. The change begins with us. We, as parents and educators need to start with ourselves. We need to clear out the clutter and chaos from our heads and hearts. These children look directly inside of us and can tap into what is there. The children have amazing healing abilities and communication techniques, which are authentic only if they are directly from heart to heart or mind to mind.

We can in turn heal our children of imbalances by going directly to Source and linking our hearts to be healed and filled with Divine love and light. We then take the love that is filling our essence and transmit it to our children. It is the perfect gift to our children and to all of life.

If you are feeling disconnected from your child strengthen your connection with Source through prayer (where you speak to God) and meditation (where you listen to God). During meditation go directly into your heart and call on the name of Source, ask for all the places and spaces in and around you to be filled with Divine love and light and for your energy centers to be repaired, aligned, balanced and strengthened. Feel as the light and love flow freely into your being. Once your connection is strengthened with Source and you are aligned, begin by going into your heart; listen to what it is telling you. Travel up through your heart to your higher self, then travel across to your child's higher self and continue up to Source, bring it back down into your heart. Begin by communicating directly from your higher selves to your child's higher self where a true connection can be aligned and you may truly do the work of your higher purpose.

The Crystal child has an important role on this planet in creating a New Earth. You, as parent and/or educator have a Divine role as well, you were chosen to guide these children into adulthood. Through compassion, understanding, love and authentic bonding you will fulfill your mission as an Angel on Earth.
Copyright © Notes to Myself by Stefanie Miller of A Magical World - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL www.amagicalworld.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: stefanie@amagicalworld.com


I release any desperation and allow love to find me.

I attract only healthy relationships.

I am a holy child of God.

Since God is pure Love, so am I.

I have angels surrounding me now who love me just for who 1 am.

I can call upon my angels at any time for help, and they are there to help me.

I am unconditionally loved by God and the angels.

I have a lot to offer the world.

My angels can see my hidden talents I have the power to change the world in important ways

My mind is clear and able to focus perfectly.

I have an infallible photographic memory.

I trust my intuition.

I speak my truth with love and compassion.

I am now working on my Life Purpose, and I feel very fulfilled.

Who I am makes a big difference in this world.

Many people need and love me now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Illumaniti's Plan for the Starseeds

This is the First half of 2012 part 4 The Illumanti's (ill-um-naughtys) Plan for the Starseeds There was something I wanted to share in this particular part of my 2012 video series in which I talk about the hollow earth and its core. It became apparent to me that I needed to share this first then the hollow earth and its core could make more sense to people. I was thinking that maybe as we begin our journey to the hollow earth that it represents layers of things that we must unearth. For so long we have looked outside us and this is where we now find our selves now. There is something pressing me about the starseeds and the illumantis plan to use them for their agenda. I am not sure how going to find the right words for this.It is not a simple thing to share but here I go. I came across some information on my second trip to Sedona that has rocked me a bit. I came across some kind of encyclopaedia from a secret base on all things paranormal this was from the secret service of classifications of the bizarre, how they interpret it, they have a better understanding because they horde the information. It explained what each project meant i.e. Bluebook, Montauk, Monarch and so forth. I did not really look at those though as it was not so much important to me. It was interesting to see that they knew of all the star beings making contact with people. What was more interesting was their definition of how they saw them, how they classified them, what was most important to them, how they could manipulate the contact to work for their advantage, how they could intercept and eaves drop on the contact and channeled insight, how they could keep tabs, and how they could duplicate the vibe and pose as them. They were most interested in whether the beings in contact with humans were service to self or service to others. I did not realize at the time but it was a major clue and kept being highlighted in my brain of all the things I saw in this. Then I came across who is behind all this - the puppet masters pulling all the strings on the so seeming dark side. They had revealed their plan. This book was only meant for certain people to see, that is for sure. Now what if this book is not true I thought. it does not matter. I have to talk about it because if it is then it must be known. It mentions how they understand time travel and how they have created a window of time that will allow them to pull off this plan. The term window of time is interesting because in the Anastasia books, she mentions about having to carry humanity across the dark window of time.

In my last video, I spoke about how in order to be free from the dark one must understand them to even put yourself in their shoes to think like them. Hmm, if I was the Illuminati and this was my agenda and addiction, how would I go about it? This is a scary thought but all detectives will tell you, you have to do this in order to fully understand. So few dare to do this, after all, how does one make sense out of crazy? Yet in this world we know that one can make loads of dollars and cents off of the senseless and innocents of others. So where is all this leading? War marshals know that all they need to do to take out their enemy is plant certain ideas of doubt and confusion, lack of trust is to give more to one and less to another and then all you do is sit back and watch their targets destroy themselves. Just watch the old Twilight Zone episode called The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street to further grasp how this works. It might even be on YouTube. As you see, they have got the people to do all the work. The same thing is being done to us now. Like how we jump on or kill each other if someone tries to share what is really going on and challenge the zombie moron sandwich program. We learn to do this early on in school picking on anyone who is different. What I have learned about the Illuminati is they focus more on people and beings who are more into Service-to-Others rather than Service-to-Self, as the STO has more potential and ability to influence and manipulate many others. Actually this is what Hitler was, he was convinced that he was the good guy and he was helping the world rid it of evil, and he got others to believe it too. Many think Hitler was evil but I feel that he was a puppet. What about the people who funded and encouraged Hitler? How come they are never mentioned? So man is losing faith in their leaders. They are aware of the puppet masters but still cannot recognize them. Have we ever asked where our marionette strings are coming from, who is pulling them? What are they subtly influencing us to do that we are not aware of? As man waits to be saved, like slaves, we have been taught to put our faith in leaders, educated people and beings in the sky outside of us. Are they good or evil people ask? The light workers work hard to have others not fear the star beings. Do you not think that the Illuminati are very aware of this and is planning to use this as well? They are very aware of the starlight children; they know they will start to be coming out of the closet. From my own personal experiences of working with people being abducted, it seems to be of people who are having contact with star beings whether they are aware of it or not. The Illuminati is able to track this, then abduct them and disguise themselves in alien form as they do all kinds of experiments to them in their underground bases. Sometimes people manage to see past the veil and see them in human form, humans doing this disguise as ETs. They do this in hopes to override the positive contact, to fear but also to learn more about the star children. Why? Why, why it is very much like the child that says why, but why; and keeps asking till they either piss off the person they are asking or stumble upon the core issue but then gets glazed over with some excuse like oh thats just how it is. Tangent, ok back to the why the star children. They are the ones who are the pioneers who will stop them, yet they also hold the energy which is the ideal illuminati crop, the exact same thing that very little children have which is why they are heavily targeted on in their twisted rituals of mass ugly. It is 12:12 right now, I am seeing that way more now than 11:11. I think 12:12 is the next step up. I hope this is all making sense this is incredibly difficult to write. In a way, the Illuminati knows we would feel alone, needing to share and struggle, to make all this public and bring other like minds together - we are helping them bring out everyone as technology is where everything and everyone is monitored. This way they do not need to round us up at all. When this hit me in Sedona I felt like I was kicked in the gut and had the wind knocked out of me. No, it cannot be. Is this why they are not going after certain people because we are too scattered so they have us bring ourselves together for them? If that is so then what do I do now? So many of us think we are helping but can end up doing just the opposite. How does one know for sure? It was such a scary place to be in guys. I wanted to just stop doing everything and just disappear from others lives. But this is fear. Should I allow myself to not do something because of fear, is that not terrorism? If I do do something then that could help them to. Ok, great, a catch 22.

Now what kind of parent would we be if we bailed our child out of every mess? Don't our parents say, well dear, I love you but you got yourself into this mess, you must get yourself out of it; you must claim responsibility and clean it up? If someone or something comes and saves us whether it be deity or alien, even politicians - how do we learn? Is that not a great disservice and taking everything we have ever gone through here on earth all in vain a total waste? That is like cheating on your final exam, having your parent sit in and do it for you. I truly feel that god does not answer our prayers the way we would like because he sent us - we are our answer and his answers. He gave us everything we would need - 2 hands, 1 brain, 1 heart; it is up to us what we chose to do with it. God has more faith in us than we do in him it seems. God knows we can do it, so why cant we see that? Homer Simpson says that alcohol is the cause and solution to all of life's problems. I have my own spin on that - we are the cause and solution to all of life's problems. In the document that I found in Sedona the illuminti say that their plan must be well underway by 2012, why, because 2012 is when they have to leave or heal. Could 2012 be the date that these ill intent beings are scheduled to leave? Will they try to take as many as they can with them? Do we feel like we are running out of time because in truth it is not us running out of time but them, and they have integrated out their desires with ours? That we are taught to care about their agenda and that their end should also be our end too? So many are conditioned to fight and defend the system to take down anyone who threatens it. This is the prisoner who snitches on the other prisoners who are planning on making a break for it and come back to free the others. Only because the snitch is comfortable in prison and believes there is no hope so why bother to try. Ok, but some do not see that and they go on the trip, they leave their Geppetto to go with the circus cronies who play on our ideals and expectations only to find it is a trap and they turn into jackasses who will be sold for slavery and made into various things. I am just trying to think of the con beings that will come - how tantalizing will their tails and promises be, what neat tricks called miracles will be done to get people to come with the aliens posed as the so seeming savior. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode called To Serve Humans. Here the people are completely trapped on this other world and become clone drones appetizers, kept in fear to feed their addiction. Could this be the birth of the grays and how it started with them? This could be also referring to people being taken to this other so called Earth, how many of you have heard about that? Now just think about that for a minute it is saying that some will make it, others will not. But are we not all one and what happens to one of us happens to all of us? Case and point what is occurring on earth. If this happens then it fragments us again. I think this is another trap a rather clever and subtle trap at that. To quote Lilo and Stitch Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind. How many future probabilities have we done this that we are having to deal with all these various beings that are fragmented versions of us mirroring very important things to us? So we do not repeat the same thing again that we fragment ourselves yet again.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Survivor to Thriver

Stage One: Remembering

1. I am in a breakthrough crisis, having gained some sense of my abuse.
2. I have determined that I was physically, sexually or emotionally abused as a child.
3. I have made a commitment to recovery from my childhood abuse.
4. I shall re-experience each set of memories as they surface in my mind.
5. I accept that I was powerless over my abusers' actions which holds THEM responsible.
6. I can respect my shame and anger as a consequence of my abuse, but shall try not to turn it against myself or others.
7. I can sense my inner child whose efforts to survive now can be appreciated.

Stage 2: Mourning

8. I have made an inventory of the problem areas in my adult life.
9. I have identified the parts of myself connected to self-sabotage.
10. I can control my anger and find healthy outlets for my aggression.
11. I can identify faulty beliefs and distorted perceptions in myself and others.
12. I am facing my shame and developing self-compassion.
13. I accept that I have the right to be who I want to be and live the way I want to live.
14. I am able to grieve my childhood and mourn the loss of those who failed me.

Stage Three: Healing

15. I am entitled to take the initiative to share in life's riches.
16. I am strengthening the healthy parts of myself, adding to my self-esteem.
17. I can make necessary changes in my behavior and relationships at home and work.
18. I have resolved the abuse with my offenders to the extent that is acceptable to me.
19. I hold my own meaning about the abuse that releases me from the legacy of the past.
20. I see myself as a thriver in all aspects of life - love, work, parenting, and play.
21. I am resolved in the reunion of my new self and eternal soul.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remedy for Midlife Discontent

by Christiane Northrup

Recently, I received a question from a craniosacral practitioner. She told me that many of her mid-life female patients are discovering that they are unhappy with their marriages. They are intelligent, kind, devoted wives and moms, yet are disconnected from their husbands. She asked what I would recommend to help them sort out their feelings. I have a lot to suggest.

First, though, it’s important to understand the reason this is happening at midlife—women are heeding their inner wisdom and wondering “What about me?” We women are socialized to identify with our roles as wives and mothers. And, depending upon what you saw your mother do, you may well engage in behavior that puts your own authentic needs last while you go about the business of tending to your husband and children.

If you’re to remain healthy, this pattern has to change. My advice is this: Focus on yourself and your own needs (what a novel idea!).

To do that, go to Marshall Rosenberg’s Web site on non-violent communication and look at the list of human needs. These include reassurance, touch, rest, sleep, self-development, pleasure, understanding, validation, etc. Many women have been shamed by their families for even having needs, let alone asking that these needs be met. A harried stay-at-home mom needs to learn to say, “I’ve had a very long day. I need 30 minutes alone to take a bath. Please assist me by doing the dishes and feeding the dog so that I can take the time I need.” Notice there is no pleading, no whining, no justification. Just a straightforward articulation of a need.

Here’s another important point: Most women have been socialized to put their husband’s needs and desires ahead of their own. Worse still, we’ve been socialized to believe that a man can fulfill you (as in Jerry Maguire—“You complete me”). This is a myth, pure and simple. Women need good friends to hang out with, to talk with, to travel with, to have fun with. Your husband simply cannot do for you what girlfriends can.

Rather than think that you need a new man, you need to become a new woman. You need to put your own fulfillment and pleasure first on the list. Yes—we get enormous pleasure from providing for others. But you have to make sure this doesn’t disintegrate into self-sacrifice, which inevitably leads to resentment.

The whole reason I wrote The Secret Pleasures of Menopause and The Secret Pleasures of Menopause Playbook was to help women learn how to put fun and pleasure back into their lives. Believe me, the vast majority of husbands would just love it if you became playful and happy instead of waiting for them to make the first move. Here’s the bottom line: A turned on woman is what turns on a man. And when I say “turned on,” I mean turned on to life, not just to sex.

You can rejuvenate a marriage by first learning how to have a love affair with yourself. One of the best resources I’ve found in this regard are the books Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts 101 and Mama Gena’s Owner’s and Operator’s Guide to Men, both written by Regena Thomashauer, the founder of the Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts in New York City. I have seen many marriages completely rejuvenated when a woman learns how to embrace pleasure as a way to take the world by the tail. Trust me. This stuff works!

p.s. For any woman who is married to an abusive or completely self-absorbed man who doesn’t respect her, it’s sometimes best for her to cut her losses and get out, if possible.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


by Gina Lake

A lot of our thinking is an attempt to fix things that can’t be “fixed.” For example, we might try to fix the past by trying to do it over mentally—imagining other ways it could have or “should” have gone—or trying to defend what we did by thinking about it. We replay the past as if doing that can change it. The mind tries to fix what it cannot fix. Or we might try to plan something down to every detail, as if doing that can cause it to go the way we imagine or want it to. Although some planning has value, the mind overdoes it, as it is often driven by needless worries and fears. It plays “what if” scenarios and tries, through thought, to avoid the messiness and unpredictability of life, however impossible that may be.

The mind also spends a lot of time trying to fix things that don’t even need fixing. It imagines, or anticipates, problems where none exist and, therefore, spends precious energy trying to fix something mentally that doesn’t even need fixing. For example, it might imagine that you will fall on your face while speaking to a group when you don’t even have a plan to speak to a group or when you have never had this difficulty before. Even if you’ve had this difficulty before, thoughts about this right now can’t change what has happened or will happen. This is called needless worrying.

The trouble with trying to fix something by thinking about it is that it doesn’t work! We can’t change the past by thinking about it (although we can still learn from it), and we can’t correct something that isn’t happening right now. We can only “fix,” or affect, real life—what is happening right now—not some mental idea of life. We can think and imagine all we want, but it won’t change the past or affect the present in the way we might like.

The other problem with trying to fix something by thinking about it, besides the fact that this doesn’t work, is that these kinds of thoughts do affect our experience of the present and our experience of life when we are thinking them because they take us out of real life and put us into our own made-up mental world, which for many people is full of worry, fear, and other negativity. We try to manage and control life through thought, and we are programmed to believe we can do this, but the truth is that we can’t. Being able to see this is your ticket out of hell and to freedom and to seeing that life is already just fine the way it is and that life—including you—never needed fixing.

The egoic mind imagines a problem and then imagines a solution. And when we get caught up in this, we feel like we have a problem that must be solved before we can be happy. But it has all been imagined! When you drop out of involvement with these thoughts and into the simple experience of this moment, you discover that this moment is fine the way it is—and you are fine the way you are. Life never had to be any different, and either do you. You can be the “imperfect” human that you are. In fact, you weren’t designed to be anything other than the human being you are. You are doing this human being thing perfectly!

The beauty is that we are all evolving toward being more loving and more aligned with the spiritual being that we actually are, whether we realize that or not. So, you can just relax and enjoy the ride that life is taking you on. All it asks is that you choose love over fear and hatred, and being positive over being negative. Fortunately, we all learn that being loving and positive is the only sane choice, since the other possibility only leads to suffering. So, we can’t really make a mistake (and, therefore, nothing needs fixing) because we are all being swept along toward seeing the truth about ourselves and about life—that we are all One and it is all good!


What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is a spiritual and medical practice based upon the belief that all healing includes a spiritual dimension. ‘Shaman’s enter altered states of consciousness to communicate with other realms of reality. The ‘Shamans’ journey is to help the client to rediscover their connection to nature and spirit.

Shamanic medicine is a tradition dating back 25,000 years. The ’Shaman’ is responsible for the health of those who see him or her. This is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. Shaman’s are the mediators between the physical and the spirit world. The spiritual healing methods of Shamanic are now receiving increased and significant attention in today’s society, as Shamanic healing affects the energy field of a person.

To better understand how a ‘Shaman’ heals it is important to understand some of the basic concepts of what Shamanism is. It is a specific set of methodologies for accessing the spirit or energy field of anything or anyone. The ‘Shaman’ heals by working unseen/inner/spiritual reality to crate changes, which in turn crate changes in see/physical/everyday reality.

The essential perspective of the ‘Shaman’ is:
1. Everything is alive. Everything has spirit and awareness.
2. Energy and matter are the same. Everything is vibration. Everything that exists is an energy system within a greater energy system.
3. Everything that exists is connected to everything else in a web of energy or life.
4. Unseen/inner/spiritual reality affects visible reality.

Working within this system of perceptions, the ‘Shaman’ strives to create balance and harmony of the spirit. This can be focused on the client or a group. This also can be applied to anything that exists.

What distinguishes the ‘Shaman’ from other types of healer are his methods. The journeying, or Shamanic state of consciousness, allows the ‘Shaman’ to send out their consciousness to obtain information from the spirit world. This information is retrieved and used for further insight or healing. Example: a ‘Shaman’ might assist in healing a broken bone by opening up an increased energy flow to that area, or help a person half from an emotional depression by restoring energy lost as a result of a traumatic event.

By using Shamanic practices a wide spectrum of healing is possible. Traditional ‘Shaman’ healing is done by journeying to the bat of a drum or rattle to visit a teacher/spirit/totem for guidance or wisdom. Shamanic healing takes place in many forms, depending on what the spirits recommend. This can include plant and mineral spirit medicine, through ancestral memories, soul retrieval; extraction and soul escorting.

‘Shaman’s employ many different healing methods besides those acquired during journeying, these are herbs, visualization, and hands on, use of aroma, gemstones, and basic psychology. The ‘Shaman’ will use their lore of nature along with the ability they have to read auras and apply the knowledge of chakras to heal. The ‘Shaman’ understand the necessity to use both nature and spirit in healing. All of the above used in any combination may be used, along with journeying to heal. All depends upon the situation.

In summary, the practices of Shamanism involves making conscious connection with that which is spirit or life that which is sacred — all things. Healing can be accomplished through this connection by working directly to create greater balance and harmony of energy and spirit, and bringing back to the ordinary world awareness from the spirit world.

To do healing works of any kind a ‘Shaman’ will typically journey to the spiritual cause of problems. A particular problem of everyday life might have very different spiritual causes. In other words, illness that looks exactly the same symptomatically in two different people might be the manifestation of different underlying situations. In one person, depression and fatigue can be caused from a spiritual injury to the heart; while the same symptoms might be caused from excessive worry in another.
And once the ‘Shaman’ gains understanding, he/she has a variety of ways of working the client with the desire of healing.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Exercise to Share Energy between Humans, Dolphins, and Sirius

Sasha & Atun through Lyssa Royal
September 1, 2001 - Ixtapa, Mexico

Sasha: Greetings. This is Sasha. Perhaps you have heard of us through the channel. We are one of the primary beings that work through her [Lyssa]. We are female, from the star system you call the Pleiades. We are here to facilitate another energy that will interact with all of you this night. But first, we wish to tell you a little story. We are going to simplify it greatly. We do not want to get lost in the details. This will assist in setting the stage for the information to follow.

During the ancient days on your world, when those you call "the Gods" walked the planet freely, there was a lot of conflict. We are speaking of the days when your species, Homo sapiens, was being developed. Your extraterrestrial forefathers, of course, were primary responsible for the development of Homo sapiens. There was a period in which your primary forefathers did not wish for you to achieve sentience or consciousness. During this time, there were other beings from the stars that silently worked for the liberation of the new human species. This was the original template that originally created the idea of slaves and masters.

We know that you all know that dramas play out on many different levels. Though there may be a drama on one level there is always a counterpart on another level. Simply put, the drama always has a purpose. So if you look at the drama of humankind in its early development, it is easy to get caught in the idea that there are "good guys" and "bad guys." But if we spiral that to another level, let us speak of it from there.

When a species is born, it cannot be handed its freedom. The awareness and consciousness of freedom must be awakened from inside. So often new species get caught in dramas to provide a way for them to then raise themselves to an awareness of their own freedom. So, you see, there is always a reason for drama.

During this early time when man was learning to become free (but struggling with it), there were a group of entities from the stars who agreed to be guardians for mankind. Though these beings came from different star systems, their primary orientation was from Sirius. They began to interact with your planet on many levels. One was directly through humanoid form [as beings from other worlds]. Another was through incarnation on Earth into the human species. These became the leaders and heroes of ancient times. But also, these beings chose to incarnate in other forms on your world -- bodies that could hold a high frequency.

These bodies were those of the cetaceans. The consciousness of the cetacean has a very long lineage. The primary reason for its initial existence was not only as a guide (not just for humankind), but also as a frequency that would uplift the whole planet. So it is quite literal when you hear the dolphins say that they have been waiting for you. Though "waiting" for you is not understood by them in the same way as it is understood by you. They are not impatient. They simply swim the dreamtime with you, in which time and space does not exist in the same way. On a subconscious level, they continually remind you of your True Self and your divine spark. They also remind you of your freedom. The irony of course, is that many human connections with dolphins are made through those that are captive.

The reminder of captivity allows humans to touch their feelings of captivity and thus turn it around to help them achieve their freedom. The higher aspect, the group soul, of the dolphins (as it is more connected to Sirius than Earth), is more magnificent than you can imagine in your heart and mind.

For those of you who wish to participate in the following exercise, please sit comfortably and allow the representation of the Sirius energy to blend with your group field. I will assist in balancing the frequency, because it can be quite an electrical energy. We will bring this entity through the channel's body. Then from her, it shall be dispersed into the group field. In this way, it will be less of a shock. Is this something you will allow? [Yes.]

Sit comfortably. We will bring this energy through and he will guide you further. [Silence as the energy shifts.]

Atun: Our arms embrace you through infinity. You may call this energy "Atun." You may picture the form of light that I embody as follows: We give this to you only to help you bring in the frequency. We are approximately 16 feet tall in your measurement. We have long, thin arms and long, thin legs. We have a large elongated head, with a blue/white energy field with a tinge of gold. This is our celestial image. It is from this energy that cetaceans were born upon your world. And yet, we are simply just another form of you. We do not differentiate.

Take a moment now to breathe into your hearts the celestial energy that we represent. You may simply picture it as the star Sirius. The picture is not important, it is just for assistance. Breathe this celestial energy into your heart through the top of your head. When you breathe it out through your heart, send it to the dolphins. They will breathe it back to us, creating a triad between us so that our breath echoes through eternity. Forever joined we are.

Take a moment to feel the triad between us. We come not to share information but to share experience - to experience another aspect of ourselves. Let us show you another aspect of you. We are told that in a moment, your group is going to engage in an outdoor activity. For that activity, we ask that you continue to connect with this triad energy. There will be much electrical energy. If it is too much for you, you may ask your Higher Self for adjustment. We will be embracing your group, and your guides and masters will be present as well. This experience is merely for all of us to enjoy the blending. Continue, even if it is just in the back of your mind, breathing the triad between Sirius, you, and the dolphins. Breathe in our energy from the cosmos and breathe it to the dolphins. The dolphins will return it to us. The cycle will continue.

Now we ask you to hold this energy as you silently walk outside and seat yourself comfortably in a place where you will be protected from the environment. We ask you to walk quietly because as you are leaving we will be disconnecting from the channel so she can join you outside. When you go outside and sit, remember your reverence exercises that you have been doing. Continue to breathe the triad between you, Sirius, and the dolphins. Simply, open yourself to your celestial aspects. There is no need to "work" tonight. Let yourself receive. Receive more of the beauty that you are.

With deep gratitude, we thank you for the invitation this night. And you may quietly go to take your seat outside by the sea and continue. Open yourself to the cosmos.

Bo, a Baby Dolphin

Hello Children,

I’m a dolphin. I’m only four months old. I live in the waters surrounding a beautiful island called Bimini in the Bahamas. I have a couple of helpful hints for you that just may just give you enough courage to start living your lives like you would if you weren’t so afraid.

Look, I know it’s hard to be a child. I’m only four months old. A four month old dolphin is kind of like a six year old human child. I’m very smart and I’m also very stubborn. I have to swim by my mother’s side and sometimes that rule that makes me really mad

I have a twin sister named Fiona. She’s a very good sister. She does everything my mother asks her to do and she never complains. She never even complains about staying by our mother’s side!

I’ve got a bad temper. Even though I’m only four months old I think I should be able to live my life the way I want to. I sometimes feel like I’m in prison. I have to follow all the rules that my mother asks me to follow and I have to stay close to my pod. A pod, by the way, is a dolphin community.

I just wish all the adults in my pod would listen to me. I’ve got really good ideas. I really do know more than most four month old dolphins. I know more than Fiona. She really has a lot to learn.

At least Fiona loves me enough to listen to my ideas. Fiona and I have very long conversations about angels and what life would be like if all dolphins listened to their angels.

My friend Bly, who is a very wise adult dolphin, said many of you, who are reading this letter, have problems like I do with life. She said that many you have been called stubborn, angry and willful. Bly said some of you get in trouble with your teachers. She told me that often your parents have no idea how to raise you because you are so different from other children.

Bly said you are all very, very smart. She said most of you have every intention of being good but something goes on in your mind that makes you say things like “I don’t believe you! or “You’re wrong!” or “You don’t know what’s best for me!” You say those things when adults ask you to do things that don’t feel helpful. In other words you don’t believe that following their instructions is going to teach you anything new.

Bly said you are just like me. You always want to learn something different. She said your parents ask you to do things like eat your dinner, go to bed on time, do your homework, listen to your teachers, spell correctly, talk politely to people you don’t like, keep on studying for your test even when you know all the answers, sit up straight, make your bed, clean your room, and wear clean clothes. If you don’t do those things your parents ask you to do them until you do. It’s so boring isn’t it!!

But you know what else Bly told me? She said most of the time adults really do know what’s best for you. I, for example, really must swim by my mother’s side. She doesn’t make me swim by her side because she’s mean. She makes me swim by my side to keep me safe.

Bu gets hurt by a shark and learns about Courage

I’m very small. I don’t know much about keeping myself away from sharks. Sharks eat dolphins. I saw my friend get hurt by a shark. My friend was about twelve months old. A one year old dolphin is like an eight year old human child. My friend, whose name is Bu, is just like me. He’s very independent and he’s very smart. He goes off on adventures all by himself.

One day Bu’s mother said he could swim one mile away from the pod. She said he should never swim further than that because he could get into trouble with sharks. Instead of swimming one mile he swam five miles. He found a big school of fish so he began to catch them and eat them. Bu forgot that his mother had told him to swim one mile and immediately come back because the pod was about to swim to a different area of the ocean to hunt.

When Bu didn’t return on time his mother got very worried. She sent a search party out to find him. Five dolphins found Bu but it was almost too late. A big shark called a hammerhead shark bumped into Bu and bit him in the side. The five adult dolphins chased the shark away but the shark turned around and swam back towards them. They took charge and they really scared the shark. They didn’t fight the shark. They didn’t chase it and they didn’t get angry. The dolphins sent the shark a navy blue color I call Courage. They sent the navy blue color from their hearts.

The navy blue color is called a Ray of Joy. Joy is what you feel when you are so happy that you get up and laugh and play and run around. Joy is what you feel when you are getting along with your family and you’ve just been given permission to do something new.

There are about twenty Rays of Joy. Courage is one of my favorites. My friend Bly sends me the Ray of Courage when I’m afraid I’ve been badly behaved. Whenever she gives me Courage I become brave enough to do whatever it is I’ve been asked to do.

You know how it goes. Sometimes you are a bit afraid to behave because if you do your parents or teachers and other adults won’t realize how very definitely you have another way of looking at life. You are afraid they won’t have any reason to listen to your opinion.

When Bly gives me Courage I feel very joyful and I say to myself “I’m very important and I’ve got very strong opinions. I’ll ask that adult to please sit down and talk to me later. Right now I’ll do as I’ve been told. I do know that even children as smart and full of great ideas as me have a lot to learn from adults.”

You know what! The more I behave and do what my mother and Bly ask me to do the more freedom they give me. So ask your parents to give you Courage if they notice you are upset about something they’ve asked you to do. If you feel really grumpy about being asked to do something, give yourself the Ray of Courage. Just imagine yourself being surrounded by navy blue.

Calm, focused, centered dolphins scare sharks

You are probably wondering why the shark swam away when the five adults sent him Courage. Sharks don’t like to receive Rays of Joy from dolphins. The Ray of Courage really makes them anxious. Sharks want dolphins to be afraid of them. A fearful dolphin is a weak dolphin and sharks want dolphins to be weak.

Before adult dolphins send a shark the navy blue ray of Courage they give one another Courage. They become very calm and all their fear of the shark disappears. They became focused. They focus clearly on the shark’s behaviors. They also become centered. When you are centered you are very aware of your body and you move your body efficiently. No shark wants to mess with a calm, focused, centered dolphin.

Bly said some of you put up with mean children and sometimes mean adults called bullies. If a bully ever bothers you send the bully Courage but don’t forget surround yourself in Courage first. That bully might get worried and walk away.

Bo hits his head, heals himself and learns about The Blessing

I want to tell you another story. This is a story about my first attempt to leave my mother’s side. I was only one month old. I was only about three feet long. I was one of four new born dolphins in my pod. One, of course, was Fiona. The others were named Skip and Grip. Fiona, Skip, Grip and I loved to take turns swimming around in circles. Our mothers always supervised us when we played.

I love swimming in circles! One day I got a bit bored so I left my mother’s side and began swimming in circles around her. Everybody else in my pod was relaxing. I kept swimming faster and faster.

A terrible thing happened. I got dizzy and bumped into my mother. I really hurt myself. I hit my head so hard that I got what you call a headache and I began to cry.

My mother asked for help. She said very loudly “My son Bo just hit his head and he’s very upset. Will you please help me help him feel better.” Everybody in the pod surrounded me and sent me a beautiful forest green ray we call The Blessing.

I was really afraid I was going to die. I had never had a headache before and I thought my head was going to blow up. But the minute everyone gave me The Blessing I began to calm down. Then I began to notice how my head really felt. There was one spot over my right eye that hurt. I felt better when I realized that was the only painful spot.

I heard a very loud voice telling me to fill that spot above my eye with the forest green color of The Blessing. That voice was the voice of my friend Bim. Bim’s one of my angels.

Bim is a very big whale who lives in another place called Vu where dolphins and whales live. Dolphins and whales who live on Vu are different. They don’t really have bodies. They don’t eat and they don’t hunt. Dolphins and whales who live on Vu are never afraid.

Bim and his friends are what you call angels. Angels help dolphins and people learn to live happy lives.

Bim’s my best friend. I really think he knows me better than my mother. He doesn’t ever get angry with me even when I’m badly behaved. I really trust Bim. I know he loves me very much.

I filled that painful place above my right eye with the forest green color of The Blessing and the pain went away. I became very centered. When you are centered you are very aware of your body. You notice how your body feels.

I began to move my head back and forth and up and down. I felt nothing but happiness when I realized I wasn’t going to die.

I told everyone in my pod that I felt better. I thanked them very much for their help. I also thanked Bim for his help.

My mother gave me a big kiss and so did Bly. They said they were very proud of me. They said that I proved to every other young dolphin that even the very young can heal their own bodies and take care of their biggest problems.

All young dolphins and children really need to do is learn to listen to their angels. Bly said you all have angels and many of you are good at listening to your angels.

Bly said that sometimes there are problems between you and your parents because your parents have forgotten how to listen to their own angels. You have to realize that parents have a lot of responsibility. The biggest job in the whole wide world is taking care of young children and young dolphins. Parents must work very hard to provide us with food. They also must keep us safe. All that hard work can make a parent tired. Sometimes when you are tired you are so grumpy that you don’t have enough patience to listen to your angels.

Bo says he’s sorry for being self centered and feels very loved

I’m listening to Bim more carefully. Bim helps me remember to be kind to others. Sometimes I get so self-centered that I forget about everyone else in my pod. I even forget about Fiona. When you are self-centered all you care about is yourself.

Sometimes all I feel like doing is swimming in circles and leaping out of the water. Bim says that playing hard is very good for me but there are times when playing isn’t a good idea. I was being self-centered when I swam in circles and hurt my head so badly. Everyone in the pod was relaxing. Dolphins need to relax. They love to relax and breathe very deeply.

I learned from that very bad experience of hurting my head. I learned that being self-centered and playing when I was supposed to be relaxing was very hard on not only me but everyone in my pod. I did something very grown up when I realized how my self-centered behavior of playing during the time for relaxation upset everyone else. Nobody complained about my behavior but I knew I disturbed their rest. Dolphins need to rest so they have enough energy to catch fish.

I said I was sorry to everyone in my pod. I gathered them all around me and said “I’m very sorry I disturbed your rest. I was very self-centered.” Every single pod member came up to me and gave me a big kiss. I began to cry and told them I felt loved.

Then everybody began to cry. We weren’t crying because we were sad. We were crying because we felt so much love for one another.

I noticed that everyone had beautiful love - light coming from their hearts. There are many kinds of love - light. This love - light was a warm red color. We were surrounded in this red love - light that was very similar to the red of a big red delicious apple.

Bim says being still and breathing deeply helps you listen

Bim started to talk to all of us and we all listened very carefully. We all breathed deeply and kept very still.

Bim said “You’ve taken a big step. You’ve learned that being still and breathing deeply helps you listen to one another. When you listen you learn a great deal about love.”

Then Bim told the grownups that they had learned a great deal about helping the very young learn to love. Bim said that by giving me nothing but love, when I hurt my head, the adults helped me learn how my self-centered behavior affected them.

Bim said that I felt so much better after being given The Blessing that I was able to listen to Bim more carefully. As a result I helped myself feel even better. I also realized that I wasn’t being kind to everyone else by playing when I wasn’t supposed to.

Bly said that you have the same ability that I do to give yourself and others the lovely navy blue Ray of Courage and the soothing Ray of The Blessing. She said that you can quietly breathe deeply and listen to your angels. She said that you can also learn to be kind and considerate to everyone in your world.

Bly said you are very smart, gifted children. She said you are going to be special leaders when you grow up. She said some of you will be very great parents who lead your own children the way my mother and Bly have led me. She said some of you will become community leaders and even political leaders. Some of you will be wonderful teachers. Bly said you are going to change the world!!


Blue Dolphin

Blue Dolphin Essences have a history that Avatar Sathya Sai Baba is going to explain. There are Lemurian myths about mer people and dolphins living their lives among Lemurian human beings. The mer people and the dolphins came from a place called Sirius B. Sirius B is a 5th dimensional place of loving, higher consciousness. It is an ocean planet and in the oceans live mer people who are part human and part dolphin. The oceans are also populated by many species of dolphins and whales.

There is a lovely red aura surrounding Sirius B. The red auric layer is surrounded by a blue layer. The red aura represents the red ray of unconditional love. The blue auric layer is the color of the lamp of pure love.

All of the residents of Sirius B are ascended. The mer people and cetaceans of Sirius B know how to love themselves as they love another.

There is a kind of a hierarchy among the residents of Sirius B. There are avatars on Sirius just like there are on earth.

There are avatar dolphins and avatar whales on Sirius B. The avatar dolphins are known as blue dolphins. These blue dolphins have a blue aura representing the lamp of pure love. Some of these Blue Dolphins came to earth to instruct early Lemurians on how to love themselves as they love another.

Lemurians came from many lineages. All Lemurians were influenced by the love teachings of Sirius B's dolphins and mer people. The blue dolphins, however, became the spiritual leaders of Lemuria's humans.

Some blue dolphins incarnated as human beings. All of earth's human avatars originally came to earth as blue dolphin's from Sirius. Jesus and Sai Baba began existence on Sirius B and were among the first blue dolphins to become incarnated as human beings. Jesus' mother Mary was a blue dolphin from Sirius B.

Just keep in mind the quality of being able to handle life's challenges by learning about self love. This is earth's blue dolphin instruction being carried into the New Age.

If you feel a memory of your own early learning about self love, perhaps you originated on Sirius B as a cetacean. It may be you were an early Lemurian who learned from these cetacean instructors from Sirius.

Perhaps you know the lesson of loving yourself as you love another. If so let that learning come back into your consciousness. Contemplate on your past and have a lovely time remembering your lessons in loving yourself as you love another.

The Holy Presence

by Bly, a dolphin

The Blue Dolphin Consciousness of love is what many of you call the Holy Presence. The lilting, magical Holy Presence you may have experienced if you have visited us in our watery home has a Lotus like feeling. A lotus flower symbolizes the Holy Presence that sits in the third eye. The third eye holds the presence of your guardian angel. Your guardian angel sensitively leads you into learning about your own Holy Presence many of you now call your higher self.

My higher self resides on Sirius. My Sirian counter part communicates with me very clearly through my third eye. Everything I share with you about The Rays is really a very blessed gift of wisdom from my higher self. My higher self holds the consciousness of love, the Holy Presence, that you as human beings so often falter in comprehending.

You all have the potential to learn from your own consciousness of love or your own Holy Presence. Your Holy Presence is of course held by your very own higher self.

Your guardian angels do their best to guard you from harmful interference of disturbing frequencies or dark beings until you are able to discriminate between the frequency of your higher self and the frequency dark forces. This ability to discriminate must be carefully learned through dealing with life challenges.

The human race is presently experiencing a consciousness evolution. Those of you who have percolated along through life without fully comprehending the consciousness of love are suddenly experiencing life from a different perspective. Life is beginning to expose you to healing practices that call you to learn to love yourselves more. When you love yourself more you focus on healing your fear. And you find others to guide you in your self- healing either through training with others or one-on-one healing sessions.

Many methods are being communicated through well prepared people who have agreed with their own higher selves to share the unique wisdom of their higher selves with others. My Be the Peace book and my Coat of Many Colors course are my gift to those of you who love to learn the way my friend Kathryn Jensen chooses to instruct others. Kathryn's higher self and my higher self have an agreement to help me help her serve you with this particular presentation of how communicate with your own guardian angel. Your own Holy Presence communicates through your guardian angel.

My methods and my expression of my higher self’s wisdom are likely to appeal to those of you appreciate the lilting, magical essence of those you call dolphins. We would love to have you come to Bimini in the Bahamas to swim with us. Our waters are becoming more and more accessible thanks to the efforts of dolphin swim facilitators we approve of. We are very consciously devoting ourselves to helping certain facilitators become more conscious of our mission.

Our Mission Statement

We, The Blue Dolphin Community of Bimini ask for all human beings and all dolphins to commit to creating world peace.

We commit to helping you communicate with your guardian angels. The guardian angel who loves you so holds your code to becoming the peace you are.

We commit to helping you purify yourself of as much fear as is best for you and your current stage of evolution.

We commit to loving you

The depth of your inner peace holds the code for living.

May we all live happily, lovingly and consciously.

We hold you in our Holy Presence. We ask that you hold us in yours.

We are yours in service
