Thursday, November 26, 2009


Joe Vitale is a brilliant teacher of prosperity in business. He's got one of my articles - an outline to Holistic Marketing on

Holistic Marketing Must-Do's:
1.Set the example of your work – where is the benefit of what you have learnt to you yourself? Demonstrate that in the world.
2.Get regular treatments yourself – or dose yourself with flower remedies, get swaps etc.
3.Visualisation. Visualise the good effect of your work on dozens of people every day. That draws them just as fast as advertising.
4.If you are a healer, send healing to your clients after their sessions too.
5.Meditation. Spend at least two minutes a day visualising yourself where you want to be next year. Do this until you feel deep, pleasant emotion because then you are starting to manifest it.
6.Use affirmations.e.g: 'My work is loving, effective and much sought-after.'
7.Prayer. Ask to be shown how to reach people – and what, if anything you need to amend.
8.Address prosperity issues – to do with spirituality and wealth. Work out what your issues around finances and marketing are and do what you can to heal them.
In a nutshell – live your therapy or work. If it's not working for you, why are you trying to sell it to somebody else?

Decide who you are and what makes you and your business special.

Set yourself a silly annual goal like testing out all the crème brulees in the country or seeing all the pre-Raphaelite paintings. If you have a life, you'll resonate that in your business.

If people say you charge too much say: 'My fee includes this, this and this…what do you want me to leave out?' Remember, your fee is about the time you took to learn all this.

If other people are doing better than you check out your own resistances to success. Good affirmation: 'What God does for others, He now does for me – and more.'

Social World/Human nature responds to:
Attention-getting devices – campaigns, special offers;
Sound-bites - attention spans are short;
Name of business – make it catchy;

Mailing List
Start a customer newsletter including. quotations and articles. Give out for free whenever you can. Email is easiest. And send to radio stations, newspapers, TV too.
Start with the old favourite, the Tip Sheet: a concentrated list of 6-12 ideas around all aspects of your subject.

Ten practical uses for aromatherapy oils
Ten things you can do to help yourself with acupressure
Ten ways to relieve stress
Ten tips for a prosperous life

Establish Yourself as an Expert
Have feedback forms that can be used for testimonials on leaflets or your website.
Notice what magazines are writing about and how it pertains to you and suggest new angles.

Contact radio stations – 'I'd love to talk to you about what I'm doing' – most have slots for therapists/life coaches.

Letters to the Editor…read more than any other part of the paper. Positive letters WILL get published - whenever you see an article in your area of expertise, ADD TO IT with a letter. 'Readers might also like to know that…Tell them why you're commenting as an expert. 'As someone who…I was delighted to read….I do the same…

Write for your association magazine.

Write columns for websites.

Articles, newsletters, conferences in our field. MBS etc.

CDs of meditations/tips/ideas to help people.

Volunteer work…hospice? Prisons?

Holistic Marketing Must-Do's:
1.Set the example of your work – where is the benefit of what you have learnt to you yourself? Demonstrate that in the world.
2.Get regular treatments yourself – or dose yourself with flower remedies, get swaps etc.
3.Visualisation. Visualise the good effect of your work on dozens of people every day. That draws them just as fast as advertising.
4.If you are a healer, send healing to your clients after their sessions too.
5.Meditation. Spend at least two minutes a day visualising yourself where you want to be next year. Do this until you feel deep, pleasant emotion because then you are starting to manifest it.
6.Use affirmations.e.g: 'My work is loving, effective and much sought-after.'
7.Prayer. Ask to be shown how to reach people – and what, if anything you need to amend.
8.Address prosperity issues – to do with spirituality and wealth. Work out what your issues around finances and marketing are and do what you can to heal them.
In a nutshell – live your therapy or work. If it's not working for you, why are you trying to sell it to somebody else?

How to Make a Harmony Wheel

How to Make a Harmony Wheel
Picturing your own prosperity is a powerful way to bring it to you and one of the best ways to do that is to create a Prosperity Wheel. This is a visual image of what you want to create which acts as a constant reminder to think about abundance and happiness instead of misery and lack.

Many spiritual teachers such as Catherine Ponder or Shakti Gawain recommend Prosperity Wheels (also called Treasure Maps) to help create what you need in your life.

Firstly you need to find or buy a large piece of paper or poster board, preferably coloured. Strong colours make a stronger impression on the mind. Make the wheel as big and bright and colourful as possible. Drab small images bring drab and small results!

In her book Open Your Mind to Prosperity (De Vors) Catherine Ponder suggests the following colour schemes:

Green and gold for finances, jobs and career success.
Yellow or white for spiritual understanding and development.
Blue for education, intellect, writing books or articles or studying for a degree.
Yellow or orange for health and energy.
Pink or warm red for love, marriage, happiness in human relationships.

Once you have chosen the colour of background which best reflects your goals, find a picture of yourself looking happy and healthy and looking straight at you and stick it in the centre of the paper. Some people prefer to put a spiritual symbol there instead of themselves but I find that the Prosperity Wheel works better with the spiritual symbol (whatever inspires you) placed at the top to help channel spiritual prosperity to you.

Next work out exactly what you do want in your life, whether it's love, a new home, a car, a job, a holiday, a baby or whatever. This is vital. Prosperity wheels actually work and if you put something on one that you don't really want, you can end up with a problem.

Words and Pictures

Then find colour pictures that reflect or represent the things you want in your life and stick them on the paper around your picture. Draw lines from you to the pictures, like the spokes of a wheel, and write on them the embodiment of your dreams, such as 'I now have a loving, faithful, kind and honest partner and we love each other.' Be sure to write these 'affirmations' in the present tense. Remember how literal the Universe gets - if you want something now, you have to inform the Universe that it is already planning to send it to you.

Finally, write the all-important Universal Disclaimer on your wheel. This goes as follows:
These things or something better now manifest for me, in easy and pleasant ways, for the highest good of all concerned.

This is important so that you do not get the cash for that longed-for holiday through a court case or insurance after breaking a leg or you do not get anything which would hurt anyone else. You need to be very clear. Be warned that a prosperity wheel is a very powerful thing and it needs to be made and used with respect. It is vital that you ask for things for the highest good. Otherwise you are practising magic rather than spirituality and the consequences for you and others could be unpleasant.


Be very careful that you only ask for what you truly want and consider the consequences of asking! Do not go crazy and put up a picture of Russell Crowe, Jennifer Aniston or any other famous person and ask for them to be the new relationship in your life (though using their pictures to denote the type of looks that you like is okay. Just make it clear in your link to the picture that it's the type you are after).

Never ask for a relationship with a married man or woman even if you are in love with one. That really does create bad Karma.

One man who was looking for love actually married a woman who was already pictured on his wheel, even though he didn't know it at the time. Her picture was on a poster on the wall behind him in the picture he used of himself. He had put his wheel away by the time he met her and only realised after they were married.

That was an example of synchronicity or even destiny BUT even if you do want to go out with someone famous, don't ask for it specifically and don't push the Universe - it doesn't have a sense of humour. God, on the other hand, does and the two together can mean that you get exactly what you asked for and you won't like it!

If you do ask for something unrealistic such as Mr. Crowe or Ms. Aniston, it is actually possible that you could find yourself having a fling or even in a partnership with a famous person who has dumped a very well-known and beautiful husband or wife for you and may even be in the process of a costly and public divorce. This might or might not be Mr. Crowe or Ms. Aniston themselves - but if it couldn't get them, the Universe would still be doing its best and would turn up someone else semi-well known, from another country and (probably) with an ego the size of a house.

Then you might end up with stepchildren; you will have to move across the world, the tabloids will constantly compare your face, figure and background (unflatteringly) with your predecessor who will probably bitch about you in public. You will constantly fear being replaced; you may have to live with a bodyguard watching your every move. You would certainly never dare go out of the front door without full make-up and designer clothes (and that's just for men!) and the day after there was a huge feature on the two of you in Hello magazine, you'd get dumped. Would you really want that?

What would be even worse than all that would be for you to find that you really didn't like your movie star after all, and it had all been for nothing.

Just thought you'd like to know all these things!

Ask For Yourself Only.

Do not ask for things that do not concern you. You may only represent your own life on a prosperity wheel. It is perfectly fair to put up pictures of loved ones affirming love and happiness between you because that is part of your own life. But making a prosperity wheel for someone else without their permission is interference in their life of the highest order.

If a friend or loved one is sick and you want to picture them surrounded by health and love and light, still get their permission first. The only exceptions are if your spouse or your children are too sick to help themselves.

Film stars aside, make sure your pictures represent what you really want.

My ex and I once wanted a larger home the Midlands. We had a dual prosperity wheel with a picture of us in the middle but my ex decided to put a picture of Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland on the wheel in the place of the new home.

Within two weeks we had received an offer from old friends to join them in a venture of buying and restoring an old and very large house in Scotland. Rather swiftly, my ex took the Scottish picture down and replaced it with one of the kind of houses that we really wanted. He also added the words 'in the Midlands' on the spoke of the prosperity wheel leading to the house - and the perfect home turned up within months.

NB Unless your partner is 100% with you in prosperity work, don't put a joint picture on your wheel. If you do, then their energy will pull against yours and the wheel almost certainly won't work.

I also know of a woman who desperately wanted a baby and planned her wheel down to the last detail. But she never actually made it. When pushed as to why she hadn't followed through, she realised that the wish for the baby was a fantasy; she was not ready for a family and there was work to be done in the relationship with her husband before they went ahead. Without the promise of fulfilment the wheel offered her, she might not have thought the situation through and got pregnant much too early.

Another woman put a picture of herself holding her baby niece in her section on 'good health and happiness in family and friends' and five months later found herself pregnant. She had not wanted children that early in her marriage and she was taking contraception - but she had put out a message to the Universe that she wanted to hold a baby, and it delivered.

However, the stories I have of successful and happy outcomes of prosperity wheels far outweigh the mistakes. I know of new confidence, financial windfalls, babies, new jobs, homes and great relationships, all of which came for prosperity students who made a wheel.

I once made one for a magazine article and asked a friend if I could feature her. She said yes – and approved all the pictures. This was a wheel to attract romance. Within two months she was going out with a male friend of mine. The Universe saw that I had made her the wheel therefore her prosperity came through me.

The relationship lasted for more than two years and was very healing for both of them – but now it's time for her to make her own wheel to attract her true life-partner.

Usually a couple of things on your wheel will happen swiftly, as though they were only waiting your permission to manifest. Others take more time - maybe even up to a year. They can only come when your subconscious mind can accept that you deserve them, so there is often more inner work to do.

If something doesn't happen, you need to examine whether it would be for the highest good of all if it did come. If you are stuck, it is sometimes worth getting someone else's point of view on the issue. That's why prosperity support groups are so valuable.


Where you place your wheel is also important. Many teachers say it should be hidden away so others cannot deride it or interfere with it. However, one woman had one of her dreams come true simply through a friend seeing what she was asking for and revealing that they knew how to achieve her goal. This one is up to you.

However, the Feng Shui of the place in your home, where the wheel is, can be important. There are areas of houses which do not have the correct flow of 'chi' to promote prosperity everywhere. If you do not know the Feng Shui of where you live, your best bet is to put the wheel next to, or on the door of, the main door into a room. This is known as 'The Gateway of Chi' and is a neutral area which will not interfere with the energies of a wheel.

Finally, look at and enjoy the pictures of what you are creating in your life. Change them as they become real or as you realise you no longer need them. When you feel you have had enough of looking at the wheel, take it down and either dismantle it or throw it away and make another one. Don't be surprised if it goes on working long after it has been taken down.

Psychic Space Clearing Meditation

The major advantages of keeping your psychic space clear are:

~ You don't attract problems to yourself.

~ You avoid what may seem like accidents.

~ You find that you say more appropriate things.

~ You feel more centered and directed.

These may sound like small advantages but they will make your life much more manageable. This exercise of Psychic Self Care, if practiced twice daily, will become automatic for most people within 6 months to 1 year. I think of it like the automatic pumping of my heart now, I don't have to think about it, it just works.

Step 1:

Make a quiet time for yourself, if you meditate do this just before you begin, it will only take a few minutes and the advantages are well worth the extra time.

Step two:

Request your highest guides to be with you as you relax, take 3 deep breaths.

Step three:

Picture a rose with a long stem in front of you. When you have the rose there place another behind you, then one on either side, one above your head and a 6th just under your feet. Don't get discouraged, use your wonderful imagination, the roses can be open or closed and any color is O.K Keep breathing.

Once you have mastered this move onto:

Step four:

Put your attention on the bottoms of your feet, imagine yourself opening a place in the bottom of your feet in the center, as you do this you can feel the energy begin to tingle there. Next imagine like the roots of a tree going from the bottom of your feet down into the earth, feel the cool earth and the rock as you move easily through it all the way to the center of the earth. Now allow the energy from the center of the earth to come up through the bottom of your left foot and into your ankle, calf, knee, thigh and into you pelvis and lower abdomen. When it gets to this point direct the earth energy down to your right thigh, knee, calf, ankle and out your right foot back into the earth.

Step five:

As you continue to run the earth energy, direct your attention to the top of you head, and imagine yourself opening a place in the top of your head, as you do this you begin to feel that tingling just like you feel in your feet. As you do this feel the Light Energy of your Highest Self begin to move into your head, neck, shoulders, down your arms and back to your pelvis.

Step six:

As these two energies meet, direct the Earth energy to mix with the Light energy and this mixture move up the front of your body, out the top of your head like a fountain and imagine this mixture of Earth and Light Energies pouring over your entire being.

Step seven:

Continue this for about 3 to 5 min.

Step eight:

When you feel complete, imagine the Light energy moving up your spine and back out the top of your head and the Earth energy moving from your abdomen and pelvis down your legs and feet and back into the earth. Be sure to imagine that the bottoms of your feet and the top of your head are closed when you finish this part of the exercise.

Step nine:

Be sure to look for your roses you planted in your auric garden. If they have wilted or lost their stems (grounding cord) then imagine them full and complete and grounded again.

Pleiadan Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin

Transform Fear Into Creativity

You literally have all the tools inside you to assist in your own health and well being. You can reduce your stress, release fear, focus better, and learn to harness your body and mind to facilitate the health and life changes you want.

By Michele Meiché

1. How can you get over what you fear? You can transform it into creativity. Fear is a very powerful energy. In fact, it is an energy in motion – An emotion. I have found the best way to harness this energy is to use it positively. You can write, draw, go for a walk, run, or even swim. The main thing is not to dwell on what you fear. I have a 3-minute rule. I use this with many of my clients. I say allow yourself 3 - 30 minutes to mull things over and dwell; and then put the fear away and do something proactive and uplifting for yourself. I also suggest listening to my CD Transforming Fear into Creativity and to do the meditation processing on it. I do this, myself, once a day; sometimes more depending on what new challenge I am experiencing. We all have fear. Fear is natural to a degree and doesn’t go away; however it can be a powerful tool if it is harnessed right.

2. Ever notice how hard it is to get out of a bad mood? It is easier to get out of a bad mood by not getting into one! How you might say? You can set the tone for your day at the beginning of the day.Your day literally starts before you get out of your bed. Start your day by not rushing…. Take a little extra time getting out of your bed and do a 3 minute focused meditation. After awakening don’t just rebound out of your bed. Lay there for a minute or two, close your eyes, focus on your breathing and slow your breath down. Tell yourself "I am in the flow of my day. I am calm and centered inside." Now bring your attention and focus to the top of your head and notice how you are breathing. Begin to notice the part of you that is observing you. If thoughts come in your mind that’s ok, focus on your breath and keep it at a slow stead pace. Repeat to yourself " I am in the flow of my day. I am calm and centered inside." Now you are ready for your day. You are now your own stress management consultant. And, if by chance the day is hectic at least you will be relaxed and centered inside.

3. Your breath is a wonderful tool for relaxation and it is free. It is said that when the breath is steady the mind is calm. The next time you are feeling rushed or stressed over some situation try this exercise; better yet, try this exercise for 21 days and notice how you change your overall attitude in life. Take about 10 minutes for yourself, go somewhere where you can have some quite time. Now get in a comfortable relaxed position. Allow yourself to take this time to focus on relaxation and rejuvenation. Close your eyes. Now with your inner gaze focus on the heart – lung area of your body and begin to slow your breath down. Allow your breath to slow down. Now begin to breathe in for a count of 3, lightly hold for a count of 3, and exhale slowly all the way out for a count of 3. Allow yourself to breathe all the way into your stomach-abdomen area. Do this 5 or 6 times. Now allow your breath to go back to its natural rhythm and simply watch your breath. Notice how you feel. Focus on each inhalation and each exhalation. If any thoughts come in your mind, simply bring your focus back to your breath. Now see how much more calm and relaxed your are. You can now decide to live in a relaxed and healthy way, And, like anything else practice makes perfect.

4. Many people now see success coaches to help them accomplish their goals.This can be costly and time consuming. You can be your own success coach by visualizing and rehearsing your success twice a day. It is best to do this at a time you have for yourself and this process. First, I would suggest writing down your goal. Write this down in the present tense as if you were already living your goal or dream.Next, you will need to get into a comfortable and relaxed state. It is much easier to create positive changes in a relaxed state. This state also begins to quiet " The Doubter "part of us all. You know the part that says you can’t do this! Now, close your eyes and get in a comfortable relaxed state. Slow your breath down. Breathe in for a count of 3. Hold your breath, lightly for a count of 3. Exhale all the way out for a count of 3. Do this for a couple of times until you feel more relaxed; then visualize yourself experiencing your goal or dream. Notice how you feel and use this feeling to connect more with your goal. Next imagine yourself achieving your goal and living your dream. Research has shown that most people that succeed in their goals can see themselves achieving their goals and living their dream. This is most noted with athletes, who use the power of visualization and focus to meet their goals. If you can see it, and believe it; you can achieve it.