Thursday, September 3, 2009

Begin With Gratitude

Begin With Gratitude

A day that begins with gratitude is a day that you'll

be able to fill with positive progress. When you're

sincerely appreciative of where you

are and what you have, you'll

greatly expand your own possibilities.

Begin with a thankful thought and connect

yourself with the abundance that is all around you.

There is always something for which you can be

sincerely thankful and the simple act

of being thankful ignites a

productive momentum in your world.

Make gratitude your first response and it will soon

become an empowering perspective from which

you can achieve great things. Rather than

looking for something to criticize, look for things

to genuinely praise. Make the most positive

qualities the first things you notice in people,

in your surroundings, and in the

situations which come along.

By focusing your thoughts on the positive aspects

of your life, you cause their influence to grow. Be

grateful, and your gratitude happily

creates even more things in your life

for which you can be grateful.

The appreciation for what you have gives more

value to all that you are. The blessings you

enjoy are blessings precisely because

you see them as such.

Tap into the great reservoir of real value that is

already available to you. Live with gratitude,

and you'll create even more reasons to be thankful.

Ralph Marston

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