We greet you, beloved fellow inhabitants of the Multi-Dimensional Earth. We rejoice with you that so many of you have now completed your transitions and are now willing to help others to make their transitions into the higher frequencies of consciousness.
Our Work With You
We, as the Crystal Children, incarnated on Earth to assist you to raise the frequencies of consciousness on the Planet. At first there was only a small group of us, but we worked with those of you who were ready to make your transitions and ascend into multi-dimensional consciousness. And, as you made your transitions, we held you in our energy fields. We helped you to remember a time when you had experienced this energy before, in ancient Egypt, in Atlantis and in Lemuria. And we helped you to keep your balance as you made this difficult journey back to your true identity as Human Angels. This was difficult for all of us. For you, making the shift was intense and demanding spiritual work. For us, it was equally arduous. We had to deal with the demands of incarnation into a human body while also assisting the Planet in its shift to the Higher Dimensions of Light.
The Crystal Children and their Spiritual Mission
We need you to understand that although we are perceived as children, we are Masters of Multi-Dimensional frequency. When we incarnate into your families, we take the bodies of children, but our energies reach far beyond these limits. A Crystal Child has a huge aura, relative to the average person. The aura may extend from five to ten miles in radius. Sometimes even more, depending on the strength and center of the child. In our Higher Dimensions, we are constantly monitoring the energy levels around us, and using our energies to help to balance and shift these energies. This work accounts for why so many of us are over-energised and anxious at times. We are filtering through our awareness the energies of those around us. This was our choice and our mission to assist the planet at this time. But we need you, as our parents and caregivers, to be understanding of how much work we are doing of which you may not be aware.
Masters of Light
Crystal children are Masters of Light and Sound Frequencies. They balance frequencies in their immediate area, and globally, by transmitting through their bodies and their auras whatever colour frequency or ray is needed by the planet or by that area. Most often this is the Gold or Magenta rays, which are primary in the Ascension process. Crystal adults are also part of this process, but generally find it easier because once they have made their transition they have a better idea of how to balance their energies and care for themselves. Crystal children have to rely on their parents and caregivers to understand why their energy may fluctuate and why they have special diet and other needs. So, parents of Crystal children, we ask of you to understand how important it is to nurture us and care for us in ways that enable us to carry out our work for you and for the Planet.
Love and Support
As Crystal Children we require love and support. The more love you transmit to us, the more we are empowered to transmit our Higher Frequencies to the places on the Planet where they are needed. We, as Crystal children, always choose parents or siblings who are Indigos, because we need that energy of the Spiritual Warrior to support us. We need you to believe in us enough to support us by refusing to drug us or force us to conform to conventional 3D ways of being that are against our multi-dimensional natures. And if you can support our being - we in turn can support you in your changes.
August 2004
In this period the first wave of transitioners have stabilized into the 5th and 6th dimensions. This is good news for us, because it means that there is now a significant group of Crystal Adults to assist the Crystal children to hold the energies on the Planet and to help to create the New Earth. And because this group has achieved stability, many more people will be able to start their transitions in the near future, and many more will join us in creating the New Earth. But the good news for us is that we can now direct more of our energy and light into being what we truly are on the Physical level- Masters of Love and Peace. So, soon you will begin to truly experience the healing powers of the Crystal Children as Bringers of Peace and Love. We will speak to you of this next month. Thank you for being with us and working with us!
Blessings of Peace to You All!
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© 2006-7 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com
It has been noted that there is a considerable increase in the number of children being diagnosed as Autistic and Asperger's Syndrome. There are theories that it is due to a negative reaction to the immunizations required today. Others believe it could be the increase in toxic substances and environmental causes. Many have prophesized that the new children coming to this planet have unique characteristics to aid planet Earth in its ascension process. These children have been termed the Crystal Children.
What are the major attributes of the Crystal's?
The name "Crystal Children" is derived from the chakra that these children mainly operate from which is the Crown Chakra. The color associated with the Crown Chakra is a pure white or deep purple and its function is the direct connection to Source. Therefore, the Crystal children are completely aligned with God. This explains the fact that the Crystal's are highly evolved spiritual beings caught between the third, fourth and fifth dimension. The ones labeled autistic are hovering in the fourth and fifth dimension and can hardly relate to the third. The Crystal children, the same as the Indigo's, are highly intuitive and psychic. However, the Crystal's take it one step further by possessing an innate ability for telepathy, performing hands on miracle healings, and telekinetics. Their spiritual abilities and development is on a deep and profound level. Is it any wonder they cannot relate to us mere humans?!
You will know you have met a Crystal child just by looking into their large, dreamy, intense eyes. They emit a calm, loving presence. You can sense as they read you energetically and size you up. If you pass their authenticity test, you will begin to feel them slowly warm up to you. Don't rush it. If you come on too strong they will immediately retreat. If you sit back and wait, you will feel them open up to you and can enjoy their lovely, jovial personality. It makes you feel warm inside just being in a Crystal child's presence. People, especially other children, will flock to them to bask in their goodness.
The Crystal children are wired in a unique way. They are so sensitive that they cannot assimilate fully into the dense harsh world of our planet and society. Many times they become burdened and over stimulated by loud noises or angry words. They will retreat further into themselves if they perceive that the world is unsafe. They have enhanced senses, utilizing all of them and may develop strong sensitivities to foods, sounds, dense energies, environmental stimulations, chemicals and scents. If they are out of balance or if their aura is too strong they have a tendency to short out electric equipment such as computers, cell phones, radios, lights, etc. They absorb energies of those around them. It is necessary for them to learn psychic hygiene at a young age.
In addition, the Crystal children are very creative, loving, and affectionate and filled with wonder and awe. They have a million questions and tons of new ways of doing things in various and innovative ways. If the children feel you are authentic, loving, kind and filled with integrity they will open up to you like a flower. They will welcome you into their private world and share their uniqueness with you. The Crystal's become very interested in specific topics of interest and will learn as much information as they can and will eagerly discuss it with anyone interested.
However, if a Crystal finds you or their environment to be too harsh or negative they will rebel in a harsh and furious way. They will either retreat into their private world or become violent and volatile. Finding ways to keep them balanced and content is extremely important. They have a tendency to relate better to adults or children older than they are, rather than to their peers. They will connect with peers if they find others on the same frequency.
The Indigo child's mission is to shake things up with their refusal to conform to societies standards by being outspoken and rebellious so that the old system is destroyed and a new Earth is created filled with peace, balance and integrity The Crystal's purpose on the planet is to realign balance to our planet. They are directly aligned with Source that they can tap into the Divine resources.
Our role as parent, teacher or role model is to create an environment where these children can flourish. Being a public school teacher I must admit that it is a challenge to understand children that seem so removed from the norm. We are being challenged to change our perceptions of our role as educators. Teachers needed to be educated to the needs of our new children. The children require the sacredness to be their authentic selves and have room to explore their essence.
We can change the world only one soul at a time. The change begins with us. We, as parents and educators need to start with ourselves. We need to clear out the clutter and chaos from our heads and hearts. These children look directly inside of us and can tap into what is there. The children have amazing healing abilities and communication techniques, which are authentic only if they are directly from heart to heart or mind to mind.
We can in turn heal our children of imbalances by going directly to Source and linking our hearts to be healed and filled with Divine love and light. We then take the love that is filling our essence and transmit it to our children. It is the perfect gift to our children and to all of life.
If you are feeling disconnected from your child strengthen your connection with Source through prayer (where you speak to God) and meditation (where you listen to God). During meditation go directly into your heart and call on the name of Source, ask for all the places and spaces in and around you to be filled with Divine love and light and for your energy centers to be repaired, aligned, balanced and strengthened. Feel as the light and love flow freely into your being. Once your connection is strengthened with Source and you are aligned, begin by going into your heart; listen to what it is telling you. Travel up through your heart to your higher self, then travel across to your child's higher self and continue up to Source, bring it back down into your heart. Begin by communicating directly from your higher selves to your child's higher self where a true connection can be aligned and you may truly do the work of your higher purpose.
The Crystal child has an important role on this planet in creating a New Earth. You, as parent and/or educator have a Divine role as well, you were chosen to guide these children into adulthood. Through compassion, understanding, love and authentic bonding you will fulfill your mission as an Angel on Earth.
Copyright © Notes to Myself by Stefanie Miller of A Magical World - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL www.amagicalworld.com is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: stefanie@amagicalworld.com
Friday, July 31, 2009
I release any desperation and allow love to find me.
I attract only healthy relationships.
I am a holy child of God.
Since God is pure Love, so am I.
I have angels surrounding me now who love me just for who 1 am.
I can call upon my angels at any time for help, and they are there to help me.
I am unconditionally loved by God and the angels.
I have a lot to offer the world.
My angels can see my hidden talents I have the power to change the world in important ways
My mind is clear and able to focus perfectly.
I have an infallible photographic memory.
I trust my intuition.
I speak my truth with love and compassion.
I am now working on my Life Purpose, and I feel very fulfilled.
Who I am makes a big difference in this world.
Many people need and love me now.
I attract only healthy relationships.
I am a holy child of God.
Since God is pure Love, so am I.
I have angels surrounding me now who love me just for who 1 am.
I can call upon my angels at any time for help, and they are there to help me.
I am unconditionally loved by God and the angels.
I have a lot to offer the world.
My angels can see my hidden talents I have the power to change the world in important ways
My mind is clear and able to focus perfectly.
I have an infallible photographic memory.
I trust my intuition.
I speak my truth with love and compassion.
I am now working on my Life Purpose, and I feel very fulfilled.
Who I am makes a big difference in this world.
Many people need and love me now.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Illumaniti's Plan for the Starseeds
This is the First half of 2012 part 4 The Illumanti's (ill-um-naughtys) Plan for the Starseeds There was something I wanted to share in this particular part of my 2012 video series in which I talk about the hollow earth and its core. It became apparent to me that I needed to share this first then the hollow earth and its core could make more sense to people. I was thinking that maybe as we begin our journey to the hollow earth that it represents layers of things that we must unearth. For so long we have looked outside us and this is where we now find our selves now. There is something pressing me about the starseeds and the illumantis plan to use them for their agenda. I am not sure how going to find the right words for this.It is not a simple thing to share but here I go. I came across some information on my second trip to Sedona that has rocked me a bit. I came across some kind of encyclopaedia from a secret base on all things paranormal this was from the secret service of classifications of the bizarre, how they interpret it, they have a better understanding because they horde the information. It explained what each project meant i.e. Bluebook, Montauk, Monarch and so forth. I did not really look at those though as it was not so much important to me. It was interesting to see that they knew of all the star beings making contact with people. What was more interesting was their definition of how they saw them, how they classified them, what was most important to them, how they could manipulate the contact to work for their advantage, how they could intercept and eaves drop on the contact and channeled insight, how they could keep tabs, and how they could duplicate the vibe and pose as them. They were most interested in whether the beings in contact with humans were service to self or service to others. I did not realize at the time but it was a major clue and kept being highlighted in my brain of all the things I saw in this. Then I came across who is behind all this - the puppet masters pulling all the strings on the so seeming dark side. They had revealed their plan. This book was only meant for certain people to see, that is for sure. Now what if this book is not true I thought. it does not matter. I have to talk about it because if it is then it must be known. It mentions how they understand time travel and how they have created a window of time that will allow them to pull off this plan. The term window of time is interesting because in the Anastasia books, she mentions about having to carry humanity across the dark window of time.
In my last video, I spoke about how in order to be free from the dark one must understand them to even put yourself in their shoes to think like them. Hmm, if I was the Illuminati and this was my agenda and addiction, how would I go about it? This is a scary thought but all detectives will tell you, you have to do this in order to fully understand. So few dare to do this, after all, how does one make sense out of crazy? Yet in this world we know that one can make loads of dollars and cents off of the senseless and innocents of others. So where is all this leading? War marshals know that all they need to do to take out their enemy is plant certain ideas of doubt and confusion, lack of trust is to give more to one and less to another and then all you do is sit back and watch their targets destroy themselves. Just watch the old Twilight Zone episode called The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street to further grasp how this works. It might even be on YouTube. As you see, they have got the people to do all the work. The same thing is being done to us now. Like how we jump on or kill each other if someone tries to share what is really going on and challenge the zombie moron sandwich program. We learn to do this early on in school picking on anyone who is different. What I have learned about the Illuminati is they focus more on people and beings who are more into Service-to-Others rather than Service-to-Self, as the STO has more potential and ability to influence and manipulate many others. Actually this is what Hitler was, he was convinced that he was the good guy and he was helping the world rid it of evil, and he got others to believe it too. Many think Hitler was evil but I feel that he was a puppet. What about the people who funded and encouraged Hitler? How come they are never mentioned? So man is losing faith in their leaders. They are aware of the puppet masters but still cannot recognize them. Have we ever asked where our marionette strings are coming from, who is pulling them? What are they subtly influencing us to do that we are not aware of? As man waits to be saved, like slaves, we have been taught to put our faith in leaders, educated people and beings in the sky outside of us. Are they good or evil people ask? The light workers work hard to have others not fear the star beings. Do you not think that the Illuminati are very aware of this and is planning to use this as well? They are very aware of the starlight children; they know they will start to be coming out of the closet. From my own personal experiences of working with people being abducted, it seems to be of people who are having contact with star beings whether they are aware of it or not. The Illuminati is able to track this, then abduct them and disguise themselves in alien form as they do all kinds of experiments to them in their underground bases. Sometimes people manage to see past the veil and see them in human form, humans doing this disguise as ETs. They do this in hopes to override the positive contact, to fear but also to learn more about the star children. Why? Why, why it is very much like the child that says why, but why; and keeps asking till they either piss off the person they are asking or stumble upon the core issue but then gets glazed over with some excuse like oh thats just how it is. Tangent, ok back to the why the star children. They are the ones who are the pioneers who will stop them, yet they also hold the energy which is the ideal illuminati crop, the exact same thing that very little children have which is why they are heavily targeted on in their twisted rituals of mass ugly. It is 12:12 right now, I am seeing that way more now than 11:11. I think 12:12 is the next step up. I hope this is all making sense this is incredibly difficult to write. In a way, the Illuminati knows we would feel alone, needing to share and struggle, to make all this public and bring other like minds together - we are helping them bring out everyone as technology is where everything and everyone is monitored. This way they do not need to round us up at all. When this hit me in Sedona I felt like I was kicked in the gut and had the wind knocked out of me. No, it cannot be. Is this why they are not going after certain people because we are too scattered so they have us bring ourselves together for them? If that is so then what do I do now? So many of us think we are helping but can end up doing just the opposite. How does one know for sure? It was such a scary place to be in guys. I wanted to just stop doing everything and just disappear from others lives. But this is fear. Should I allow myself to not do something because of fear, is that not terrorism? If I do do something then that could help them to. Ok, great, a catch 22.
Now what kind of parent would we be if we bailed our child out of every mess? Don't our parents say, well dear, I love you but you got yourself into this mess, you must get yourself out of it; you must claim responsibility and clean it up? If someone or something comes and saves us whether it be deity or alien, even politicians - how do we learn? Is that not a great disservice and taking everything we have ever gone through here on earth all in vain a total waste? That is like cheating on your final exam, having your parent sit in and do it for you. I truly feel that god does not answer our prayers the way we would like because he sent us - we are our answer and his answers. He gave us everything we would need - 2 hands, 1 brain, 1 heart; it is up to us what we chose to do with it. God has more faith in us than we do in him it seems. God knows we can do it, so why cant we see that? Homer Simpson says that alcohol is the cause and solution to all of life's problems. I have my own spin on that - we are the cause and solution to all of life's problems. In the document that I found in Sedona the illuminti say that their plan must be well underway by 2012, why, because 2012 is when they have to leave or heal. Could 2012 be the date that these ill intent beings are scheduled to leave? Will they try to take as many as they can with them? Do we feel like we are running out of time because in truth it is not us running out of time but them, and they have integrated out their desires with ours? That we are taught to care about their agenda and that their end should also be our end too? So many are conditioned to fight and defend the system to take down anyone who threatens it. This is the prisoner who snitches on the other prisoners who are planning on making a break for it and come back to free the others. Only because the snitch is comfortable in prison and believes there is no hope so why bother to try. Ok, but some do not see that and they go on the trip, they leave their Geppetto to go with the circus cronies who play on our ideals and expectations only to find it is a trap and they turn into jackasses who will be sold for slavery and made into various things. I am just trying to think of the con beings that will come - how tantalizing will their tails and promises be, what neat tricks called miracles will be done to get people to come with the aliens posed as the so seeming savior. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode called To Serve Humans. Here the people are completely trapped on this other world and become clone drones appetizers, kept in fear to feed their addiction. Could this be the birth of the grays and how it started with them? This could be also referring to people being taken to this other so called Earth, how many of you have heard about that? Now just think about that for a minute it is saying that some will make it, others will not. But are we not all one and what happens to one of us happens to all of us? Case and point what is occurring on earth. If this happens then it fragments us again. I think this is another trap a rather clever and subtle trap at that. To quote Lilo and Stitch Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind. How many future probabilities have we done this that we are having to deal with all these various beings that are fragmented versions of us mirroring very important things to us? So we do not repeat the same thing again that we fragment ourselves yet again.
In my last video, I spoke about how in order to be free from the dark one must understand them to even put yourself in their shoes to think like them. Hmm, if I was the Illuminati and this was my agenda and addiction, how would I go about it? This is a scary thought but all detectives will tell you, you have to do this in order to fully understand. So few dare to do this, after all, how does one make sense out of crazy? Yet in this world we know that one can make loads of dollars and cents off of the senseless and innocents of others. So where is all this leading? War marshals know that all they need to do to take out their enemy is plant certain ideas of doubt and confusion, lack of trust is to give more to one and less to another and then all you do is sit back and watch their targets destroy themselves. Just watch the old Twilight Zone episode called The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street to further grasp how this works. It might even be on YouTube. As you see, they have got the people to do all the work. The same thing is being done to us now. Like how we jump on or kill each other if someone tries to share what is really going on and challenge the zombie moron sandwich program. We learn to do this early on in school picking on anyone who is different. What I have learned about the Illuminati is they focus more on people and beings who are more into Service-to-Others rather than Service-to-Self, as the STO has more potential and ability to influence and manipulate many others. Actually this is what Hitler was, he was convinced that he was the good guy and he was helping the world rid it of evil, and he got others to believe it too. Many think Hitler was evil but I feel that he was a puppet. What about the people who funded and encouraged Hitler? How come they are never mentioned? So man is losing faith in their leaders. They are aware of the puppet masters but still cannot recognize them. Have we ever asked where our marionette strings are coming from, who is pulling them? What are they subtly influencing us to do that we are not aware of? As man waits to be saved, like slaves, we have been taught to put our faith in leaders, educated people and beings in the sky outside of us. Are they good or evil people ask? The light workers work hard to have others not fear the star beings. Do you not think that the Illuminati are very aware of this and is planning to use this as well? They are very aware of the starlight children; they know they will start to be coming out of the closet. From my own personal experiences of working with people being abducted, it seems to be of people who are having contact with star beings whether they are aware of it or not. The Illuminati is able to track this, then abduct them and disguise themselves in alien form as they do all kinds of experiments to them in their underground bases. Sometimes people manage to see past the veil and see them in human form, humans doing this disguise as ETs. They do this in hopes to override the positive contact, to fear but also to learn more about the star children. Why? Why, why it is very much like the child that says why, but why; and keeps asking till they either piss off the person they are asking or stumble upon the core issue but then gets glazed over with some excuse like oh thats just how it is. Tangent, ok back to the why the star children. They are the ones who are the pioneers who will stop them, yet they also hold the energy which is the ideal illuminati crop, the exact same thing that very little children have which is why they are heavily targeted on in their twisted rituals of mass ugly. It is 12:12 right now, I am seeing that way more now than 11:11. I think 12:12 is the next step up. I hope this is all making sense this is incredibly difficult to write. In a way, the Illuminati knows we would feel alone, needing to share and struggle, to make all this public and bring other like minds together - we are helping them bring out everyone as technology is where everything and everyone is monitored. This way they do not need to round us up at all. When this hit me in Sedona I felt like I was kicked in the gut and had the wind knocked out of me. No, it cannot be. Is this why they are not going after certain people because we are too scattered so they have us bring ourselves together for them? If that is so then what do I do now? So many of us think we are helping but can end up doing just the opposite. How does one know for sure? It was such a scary place to be in guys. I wanted to just stop doing everything and just disappear from others lives. But this is fear. Should I allow myself to not do something because of fear, is that not terrorism? If I do do something then that could help them to. Ok, great, a catch 22.
Now what kind of parent would we be if we bailed our child out of every mess? Don't our parents say, well dear, I love you but you got yourself into this mess, you must get yourself out of it; you must claim responsibility and clean it up? If someone or something comes and saves us whether it be deity or alien, even politicians - how do we learn? Is that not a great disservice and taking everything we have ever gone through here on earth all in vain a total waste? That is like cheating on your final exam, having your parent sit in and do it for you. I truly feel that god does not answer our prayers the way we would like because he sent us - we are our answer and his answers. He gave us everything we would need - 2 hands, 1 brain, 1 heart; it is up to us what we chose to do with it. God has more faith in us than we do in him it seems. God knows we can do it, so why cant we see that? Homer Simpson says that alcohol is the cause and solution to all of life's problems. I have my own spin on that - we are the cause and solution to all of life's problems. In the document that I found in Sedona the illuminti say that their plan must be well underway by 2012, why, because 2012 is when they have to leave or heal. Could 2012 be the date that these ill intent beings are scheduled to leave? Will they try to take as many as they can with them? Do we feel like we are running out of time because in truth it is not us running out of time but them, and they have integrated out their desires with ours? That we are taught to care about their agenda and that their end should also be our end too? So many are conditioned to fight and defend the system to take down anyone who threatens it. This is the prisoner who snitches on the other prisoners who are planning on making a break for it and come back to free the others. Only because the snitch is comfortable in prison and believes there is no hope so why bother to try. Ok, but some do not see that and they go on the trip, they leave their Geppetto to go with the circus cronies who play on our ideals and expectations only to find it is a trap and they turn into jackasses who will be sold for slavery and made into various things. I am just trying to think of the con beings that will come - how tantalizing will their tails and promises be, what neat tricks called miracles will be done to get people to come with the aliens posed as the so seeming savior. It reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode called To Serve Humans. Here the people are completely trapped on this other world and become clone drones appetizers, kept in fear to feed their addiction. Could this be the birth of the grays and how it started with them? This could be also referring to people being taken to this other so called Earth, how many of you have heard about that? Now just think about that for a minute it is saying that some will make it, others will not. But are we not all one and what happens to one of us happens to all of us? Case and point what is occurring on earth. If this happens then it fragments us again. I think this is another trap a rather clever and subtle trap at that. To quote Lilo and Stitch Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind. How many future probabilities have we done this that we are having to deal with all these various beings that are fragmented versions of us mirroring very important things to us? So we do not repeat the same thing again that we fragment ourselves yet again.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Survivor to Thriver
Stage One: Remembering
1. I am in a breakthrough crisis, having gained some sense of my abuse.
2. I have determined that I was physically, sexually or emotionally abused as a child.
3. I have made a commitment to recovery from my childhood abuse.
4. I shall re-experience each set of memories as they surface in my mind.
5. I accept that I was powerless over my abusers' actions which holds THEM responsible.
6. I can respect my shame and anger as a consequence of my abuse, but shall try not to turn it against myself or others.
7. I can sense my inner child whose efforts to survive now can be appreciated.
Stage 2: Mourning
8. I have made an inventory of the problem areas in my adult life.
9. I have identified the parts of myself connected to self-sabotage.
10. I can control my anger and find healthy outlets for my aggression.
11. I can identify faulty beliefs and distorted perceptions in myself and others.
12. I am facing my shame and developing self-compassion.
13. I accept that I have the right to be who I want to be and live the way I want to live.
14. I am able to grieve my childhood and mourn the loss of those who failed me.
Stage Three: Healing
15. I am entitled to take the initiative to share in life's riches.
16. I am strengthening the healthy parts of myself, adding to my self-esteem.
17. I can make necessary changes in my behavior and relationships at home and work.
18. I have resolved the abuse with my offenders to the extent that is acceptable to me.
19. I hold my own meaning about the abuse that releases me from the legacy of the past.
20. I see myself as a thriver in all aspects of life - love, work, parenting, and play.
21. I am resolved in the reunion of my new self and eternal soul.
1. I am in a breakthrough crisis, having gained some sense of my abuse.
2. I have determined that I was physically, sexually or emotionally abused as a child.
3. I have made a commitment to recovery from my childhood abuse.
4. I shall re-experience each set of memories as they surface in my mind.
5. I accept that I was powerless over my abusers' actions which holds THEM responsible.
6. I can respect my shame and anger as a consequence of my abuse, but shall try not to turn it against myself or others.
7. I can sense my inner child whose efforts to survive now can be appreciated.
Stage 2: Mourning
8. I have made an inventory of the problem areas in my adult life.
9. I have identified the parts of myself connected to self-sabotage.
10. I can control my anger and find healthy outlets for my aggression.
11. I can identify faulty beliefs and distorted perceptions in myself and others.
12. I am facing my shame and developing self-compassion.
13. I accept that I have the right to be who I want to be and live the way I want to live.
14. I am able to grieve my childhood and mourn the loss of those who failed me.
Stage Three: Healing
15. I am entitled to take the initiative to share in life's riches.
16. I am strengthening the healthy parts of myself, adding to my self-esteem.
17. I can make necessary changes in my behavior and relationships at home and work.
18. I have resolved the abuse with my offenders to the extent that is acceptable to me.
19. I hold my own meaning about the abuse that releases me from the legacy of the past.
20. I see myself as a thriver in all aspects of life - love, work, parenting, and play.
21. I am resolved in the reunion of my new self and eternal soul.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Remedy for Midlife Discontent
by Christiane Northrup
Recently, I received a question from a craniosacral practitioner. She told me that many of her mid-life female patients are discovering that they are unhappy with their marriages. They are intelligent, kind, devoted wives and moms, yet are disconnected from their husbands. She asked what I would recommend to help them sort out their feelings. I have a lot to suggest.
First, though, it’s important to understand the reason this is happening at midlife—women are heeding their inner wisdom and wondering “What about me?” We women are socialized to identify with our roles as wives and mothers. And, depending upon what you saw your mother do, you may well engage in behavior that puts your own authentic needs last while you go about the business of tending to your husband and children.
If you’re to remain healthy, this pattern has to change. My advice is this: Focus on yourself and your own needs (what a novel idea!).
To do that, go to Marshall Rosenberg’s Web site on non-violent communication and look at the list of human needs. These include reassurance, touch, rest, sleep, self-development, pleasure, understanding, validation, etc. Many women have been shamed by their families for even having needs, let alone asking that these needs be met. A harried stay-at-home mom needs to learn to say, “I’ve had a very long day. I need 30 minutes alone to take a bath. Please assist me by doing the dishes and feeding the dog so that I can take the time I need.” Notice there is no pleading, no whining, no justification. Just a straightforward articulation of a need.
Here’s another important point: Most women have been socialized to put their husband’s needs and desires ahead of their own. Worse still, we’ve been socialized to believe that a man can fulfill you (as in Jerry Maguire—“You complete me”). This is a myth, pure and simple. Women need good friends to hang out with, to talk with, to travel with, to have fun with. Your husband simply cannot do for you what girlfriends can.
Rather than think that you need a new man, you need to become a new woman. You need to put your own fulfillment and pleasure first on the list. Yes—we get enormous pleasure from providing for others. But you have to make sure this doesn’t disintegrate into self-sacrifice, which inevitably leads to resentment.
The whole reason I wrote The Secret Pleasures of Menopause and The Secret Pleasures of Menopause Playbook was to help women learn how to put fun and pleasure back into their lives. Believe me, the vast majority of husbands would just love it if you became playful and happy instead of waiting for them to make the first move. Here’s the bottom line: A turned on woman is what turns on a man. And when I say “turned on,” I mean turned on to life, not just to sex.
You can rejuvenate a marriage by first learning how to have a love affair with yourself. One of the best resources I’ve found in this regard are the books Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts 101 and Mama Gena’s Owner’s and Operator’s Guide to Men, both written by Regena Thomashauer, the founder of the Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts in New York City. I have seen many marriages completely rejuvenated when a woman learns how to embrace pleasure as a way to take the world by the tail. Trust me. This stuff works!
p.s. For any woman who is married to an abusive or completely self-absorbed man who doesn’t respect her, it’s sometimes best for her to cut her losses and get out, if possible.
Recently, I received a question from a craniosacral practitioner. She told me that many of her mid-life female patients are discovering that they are unhappy with their marriages. They are intelligent, kind, devoted wives and moms, yet are disconnected from their husbands. She asked what I would recommend to help them sort out their feelings. I have a lot to suggest.
First, though, it’s important to understand the reason this is happening at midlife—women are heeding their inner wisdom and wondering “What about me?” We women are socialized to identify with our roles as wives and mothers. And, depending upon what you saw your mother do, you may well engage in behavior that puts your own authentic needs last while you go about the business of tending to your husband and children.
If you’re to remain healthy, this pattern has to change. My advice is this: Focus on yourself and your own needs (what a novel idea!).
To do that, go to Marshall Rosenberg’s Web site on non-violent communication and look at the list of human needs. These include reassurance, touch, rest, sleep, self-development, pleasure, understanding, validation, etc. Many women have been shamed by their families for even having needs, let alone asking that these needs be met. A harried stay-at-home mom needs to learn to say, “I’ve had a very long day. I need 30 minutes alone to take a bath. Please assist me by doing the dishes and feeding the dog so that I can take the time I need.” Notice there is no pleading, no whining, no justification. Just a straightforward articulation of a need.
Here’s another important point: Most women have been socialized to put their husband’s needs and desires ahead of their own. Worse still, we’ve been socialized to believe that a man can fulfill you (as in Jerry Maguire—“You complete me”). This is a myth, pure and simple. Women need good friends to hang out with, to talk with, to travel with, to have fun with. Your husband simply cannot do for you what girlfriends can.
Rather than think that you need a new man, you need to become a new woman. You need to put your own fulfillment and pleasure first on the list. Yes—we get enormous pleasure from providing for others. But you have to make sure this doesn’t disintegrate into self-sacrifice, which inevitably leads to resentment.
The whole reason I wrote The Secret Pleasures of Menopause and The Secret Pleasures of Menopause Playbook was to help women learn how to put fun and pleasure back into their lives. Believe me, the vast majority of husbands would just love it if you became playful and happy instead of waiting for them to make the first move. Here’s the bottom line: A turned on woman is what turns on a man. And when I say “turned on,” I mean turned on to life, not just to sex.
You can rejuvenate a marriage by first learning how to have a love affair with yourself. One of the best resources I’ve found in this regard are the books Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts 101 and Mama Gena’s Owner’s and Operator’s Guide to Men, both written by Regena Thomashauer, the founder of the Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts in New York City. I have seen many marriages completely rejuvenated when a woman learns how to embrace pleasure as a way to take the world by the tail. Trust me. This stuff works!
p.s. For any woman who is married to an abusive or completely self-absorbed man who doesn’t respect her, it’s sometimes best for her to cut her losses and get out, if possible.
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