Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blue Dolphin

Blue Dolphin Essences have a history that Avatar Sathya Sai Baba is going to explain. There are Lemurian myths about mer people and dolphins living their lives among Lemurian human beings. The mer people and the dolphins came from a place called Sirius B. Sirius B is a 5th dimensional place of loving, higher consciousness. It is an ocean planet and in the oceans live mer people who are part human and part dolphin. The oceans are also populated by many species of dolphins and whales.

There is a lovely red aura surrounding Sirius B. The red auric layer is surrounded by a blue layer. The red aura represents the red ray of unconditional love. The blue auric layer is the color of the lamp of pure love.

All of the residents of Sirius B are ascended. The mer people and cetaceans of Sirius B know how to love themselves as they love another.

There is a kind of a hierarchy among the residents of Sirius B. There are avatars on Sirius just like there are on earth.

There are avatar dolphins and avatar whales on Sirius B. The avatar dolphins are known as blue dolphins. These blue dolphins have a blue aura representing the lamp of pure love. Some of these Blue Dolphins came to earth to instruct early Lemurians on how to love themselves as they love another.

Lemurians came from many lineages. All Lemurians were influenced by the love teachings of Sirius B's dolphins and mer people. The blue dolphins, however, became the spiritual leaders of Lemuria's humans.

Some blue dolphins incarnated as human beings. All of earth's human avatars originally came to earth as blue dolphin's from Sirius. Jesus and Sai Baba began existence on Sirius B and were among the first blue dolphins to become incarnated as human beings. Jesus' mother Mary was a blue dolphin from Sirius B.

Just keep in mind the quality of being able to handle life's challenges by learning about self love. This is earth's blue dolphin instruction being carried into the New Age.

If you feel a memory of your own early learning about self love, perhaps you originated on Sirius B as a cetacean. It may be you were an early Lemurian who learned from these cetacean instructors from Sirius.

Perhaps you know the lesson of loving yourself as you love another. If so let that learning come back into your consciousness. Contemplate on your past and have a lovely time remembering your lessons in loving yourself as you love another.

The Holy Presence

by Bly, a dolphin

The Blue Dolphin Consciousness of love is what many of you call the Holy Presence. The lilting, magical Holy Presence you may have experienced if you have visited us in our watery home has a Lotus like feeling. A lotus flower symbolizes the Holy Presence that sits in the third eye. The third eye holds the presence of your guardian angel. Your guardian angel sensitively leads you into learning about your own Holy Presence many of you now call your higher self.

My higher self resides on Sirius. My Sirian counter part communicates with me very clearly through my third eye. Everything I share with you about The Rays is really a very blessed gift of wisdom from my higher self. My higher self holds the consciousness of love, the Holy Presence, that you as human beings so often falter in comprehending.

You all have the potential to learn from your own consciousness of love or your own Holy Presence. Your Holy Presence is of course held by your very own higher self.

Your guardian angels do their best to guard you from harmful interference of disturbing frequencies or dark beings until you are able to discriminate between the frequency of your higher self and the frequency dark forces. This ability to discriminate must be carefully learned through dealing with life challenges.

The human race is presently experiencing a consciousness evolution. Those of you who have percolated along through life without fully comprehending the consciousness of love are suddenly experiencing life from a different perspective. Life is beginning to expose you to healing practices that call you to learn to love yourselves more. When you love yourself more you focus on healing your fear. And you find others to guide you in your self- healing either through training with others or one-on-one healing sessions.

Many methods are being communicated through well prepared people who have agreed with their own higher selves to share the unique wisdom of their higher selves with others. My Be the Peace book and my Coat of Many Colors course are my gift to those of you who love to learn the way my friend Kathryn Jensen chooses to instruct others. Kathryn's higher self and my higher self have an agreement to help me help her serve you with this particular presentation of how communicate with your own guardian angel. Your own Holy Presence communicates through your guardian angel.

My methods and my expression of my higher self’s wisdom are likely to appeal to those of you appreciate the lilting, magical essence of those you call dolphins. We would love to have you come to Bimini in the Bahamas to swim with us. Our waters are becoming more and more accessible thanks to the efforts of dolphin swim facilitators we approve of. We are very consciously devoting ourselves to helping certain facilitators become more conscious of our mission.

Our Mission Statement

We, The Blue Dolphin Community of Bimini ask for all human beings and all dolphins to commit to creating world peace.

We commit to helping you communicate with your guardian angels. The guardian angel who loves you so holds your code to becoming the peace you are.

We commit to helping you purify yourself of as much fear as is best for you and your current stage of evolution.

We commit to loving you

The depth of your inner peace holds the code for living.

May we all live happily, lovingly and consciously.

We hold you in our Holy Presence. We ask that you hold us in yours.

We are yours in service

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