You can make yourself recession-proof by making yourself depression-proof. Just apply these simple guidelines to your life, and find a calm and peace that you had forgotten could exist within you:
- Do not associate yourself with negative people, naysayers, energy vampires and chronic critics;
- Do not live beyond your means...there is no competition worth entering where you must worry daily about meeting huge bills. People do not generally steal and cut ethical corners when they do not have constant pressure upon them to "live bigger and spend more". It seems foolish to give the bulk of your money to a group of faceless creditors;
- Do not become addicted to listening to the constant litany of negative news in the media -- read some good books and listen to some enjoyable music instead;
- Dedicate some time to learn something new every day -- set aside time for hobbies and things that you enjoy...reward yourself;
- Take a walk and get some fresh air every day -- don't stay cooped up and suffer from "cabin fever.";
- Eat healthier, non-processed foods, and take time to prepare some of your own meals;
- Exercise daily. In fact, develop an exercise regimen -- it will help you to feel alive and energetic;
- Plan things ahead of time in order to avoid last-minute panic and stress. Determine in advance when you will shop, run errands, get your automobile serviced, etcetera;
- Cultivate a circle of trustworthy friends in whom you can confide (no losers allowed in your circle!); and, most importantly,
- Treat others as you would have them treat you - with respect, dignity and grace.
Simplify your life, and enjoy the journey!
Joseph Droual
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