This control was based upon an illusion of INDIVIDUALITY and separateness, the fuel was fear and guilt. The main question for survival have always been this one: Would I survive without the stronger? But they instead of protecting the weaker, the stronger were enslaving them.
Giant global economical chain corporations are literally forcing us with their commercials to CONSUME unnecessary products and services, BORROW „bargain“ money from banks, and SPEND gas for delivering comodities which can be provided locally. Why apples from abroad are advertised to be better and more delicious then those home-born? And how is it possible that they are even cheaper, even if they were transported many hundreds kilometers?
It is not any more PARANOIC to ask if there is a kind of collusion among those in positions of leadership... with the aim of interests and agenda of a (how big?) greedy elite.
However this system is becoming unmaintainable – more and more people are asking the rulers „unpleasant“ questions and trying to change their lifestyles into greener. And not only basic sustenance for survival is on the horizont, but even more! There is dawning a COMPLETE ABUNDANCE – for those who can in their hearts resonate with the love frequency of so called feminine aspects – discretion, receptiveness, care.
But is there enough for everybody on the planet? The answer is: definitely yes! There are so many people all over the world, and each of them has different needs and dreams. Not everybody wants to be o rock star, someone prefers having a comfortable flat in a historical centre of a city to a house with a pool and dobermans…
The upcoming age of “Goddess“, of the preference of the right brain hemisphere, love and care, isn't about “matriarchy“ of competitive female fighters and the rule from the „kitchen cockpit“; it is about LOVE. About REAL LOVE which doesn't pose any condition for being able to love, but LOVE which LOVES for being you just you, for being what you are.
The female energy of our hearts radiates love, unity, cooperation and ONENESS. The aim is not any more taking, competing, degrading and saving, but sharing, respecting, nurturing and caring.
Let's shine this uplifting and loving energy together. Since by helping others we are being helped too…
Ivana Mukova
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