Saturday, January 31, 2009
About Soul Retrieval
SOUL RETRIEVAL IS DEAR TO MY HEART. It is a gentle, graceful, and profound healing practice. This information will better help you understand your soul retrieval. In the description that follows, I am using a shamanic framework to describe and clarify the nature and experience of the soul. This article will help you understand and possibly engage with the unseen world by presenting a framework that our conscious minds can understand. You don’t have to believe in or agree with this framework to have a soul retrieval.
The soul, as referred to in soul retrieval, is the energetic essence of your being. It encompasses the intangible aspects of your being, including gifts, qualities, and aspects of who you are. It is the you that transcends physical experience. Pieces and parts of that soul essence can sometimes become separated, trapped, and/or lost. If you imagine the soul energy as a sphere, when soul loss occurs, there are voids and areas that are missing.
Soul loss is part of the human experience. It’s designed to protect our nonphysical essence from various kinds of trauma. If something traumatic is happening, such as a car accident, physical violence, or an emotional assault, the last place we want to be is fully present in our bodies and in the experience. Instead, part of us goes away to avoid the trauma. Psychologists refer to this as dissociation. The shamanic community calls it soul loss. Either way, it helps us to survive the various kinds of trauma that happen in our lives.
Lots of kinds of trauma can cause soul loss. Examples include accidents, surgery, sexual violence, and combat trauma. Whenever someone says, “I’ve never been the same since my accident/that relationship/my surgery,” they are describing a soul loss experience. Trauma that causes soul loss can be subtle and different for each person. Being teased or shamed can cause a sensitive child to lose soul parts.
Whatever the trauma, the protective mechanism of soul loss causes part of our life essence to leave in order to protect itself from being damaged or traumatized. The soul part leaving sometimes carries away some of the memory and immediacy of the experience. In the normal course of events, the soul part would return on its own after the trauma had passed. But sometimes the trauma is so severe that the soul part goes so far and fast that it can’t find its way back and gets lost. In cases of chronic trauma or abuse, the soul part may not know it’s safe to come back. There’s no time in shamanic reality, so the soul part doesn’t know that twenty years have passed and the violent stepfather is no longer in the picture.
Another type of soul loss occurs when a part leaves because it doesn’t fit or because it is sent away. This could be an aspect that is shamed or punished; for example, a girl might send away her anger. Sometimes we send soul parts away because they don’t fit into our adult lives, disowning our impractical passions.
Finally, soul loss can happen when parts of our soul are taken by or given to the significant people in our lives. As human beings, we struggle to maintain good physical and emotional boundaries. The concept of good energetic boundaries is not something that occurs to most people. When soul parts are taken or exchanged, it invariably happens on an unconscious, energetic level. People who have had soul parts taken unknowingly take soul parts from others. While there’s no judgment or blame, this does put people in an inappropriate energetic relationship.
Picture a mother, already diminished by her own soul loss experiences, looking at her child. She might think that if she could just have some of her child’s vitality and energy, she would be able to cope with her life. On an energetic level, she reaches out and takes some of the child’s essence. The child may resist at first, but eventually it is easier to give up the soul part than keep struggling. Or perhaps the child feels sorry for the parent and gives up their soul part willingly. Again, I want to emphasize that this isn’t deliberate. When I retrieve soul parts, parents are always glad to give up their children’s soul parts once they realize what they’ve done.
In a romantic relationship, the people involved often will trade soul parts. Our culture’s love mythology implies that when we love someone, we give them our heart and our soul. It’s easy to mistake a lack of energetic boundaries for closeness and connection. People often unconsciously give their lover some of their own vital life essence along with their love. This exchange makes both people more dependent on each other, less able to stand on their own, and thus less likely to leave. It can feel safer and more connected to both parties, but in reality, both people are diminished.
Whatever the source of soul loss, the effects are much the same. Soul loss will diminish a person’s sense of well-being and joy in life. It can cause a lack of vitality and interest in the world. People often feel depressed, listless, and as though the world was all gray. Soul loss can lead to gaps in memory. People can feel fragmented or spacey or even like pieces are missing. Sometimes people become accident-prone or keep falling into the path of misfortune. People with soul loss can spend a lot of energy working through events of their past and still feel impacted by them. In extreme cases, soul loss can cause a lack of sense of self, suicidal tendencies, and vulnerability to physical illness.
Impact of a Soul Retrieval
The experience of soul retrieval varies from person to person. Some people experience soul retrieval as life-changing: a sensation of being filled up, a tingling or a heat. Other people feel a subtler impact. Often a much greater effect is felt some hours after the soul retrieval than immediately after the work is completed. I felt the largest impact at dawn the day after my soul retrieval.
The shift in your life can be subtle. Some clients have reported that they felt very little at the time but found that they felt more solid in themselves, less tired, more sure of their choices and path following a soul retrieval. Things that would have been nearly impossible seem fairly straightforward after a soul retrieval.
In terms of emotional impact, soul retrieval is very gentle. Even when parts are lost due to severe trauma, they come back unharmed. When people get back memories of the traumatic events that caused soul loss the memories are factual, with no emotion attached. After a soul retrieval, people often want extra downtime, to reflect and just be with themselves. If people have a strong emotional response to soul retrieval, it’s almost invariably one of profound joy and celebration. “Dark night of the soul” work and emotional catharsis are valuable, but they are not generally part of the soul retrieval experience.
Because soul retrieval is so gentle, people are sometimes surprised by how much of an impact it has. Afterwards you may find it much harder to accept situations where you are not being honored, regardless of the economic or emotional advantages of being in that place. For example, I used to be very good at swallowing my truth and not speaking up. After my soul retrieval it became much more uncomfortable to be silent than it was to speak, so I began saying what I needed to say to those around me. It was a good change, but it happened very quickly. A soul retrieval has the potential to put you on the fast track of interpersonal growth.
If you get soul parts back from another person, this can impact your relationship with them. In some cases, returning the soul parts instantly improves the relationship. Tensions and conflict may dissipate overnight. In other cases—if a marriage is teetering on the edge, for example—a soul retrieval could precipitate its end. Any relationship where the other person is invested in controlling my client is likely to be made rockier by a soul retrieval. This is because a soul retrieval makes the recipient stronger, more complete, and harder to control or manipulate.
Those individuals who have ended a major relationship and are having trouble moving on are perfect candidates for a soul retrieval. Very often a soul part is left behind with the former spouse or lover and returning that part to my client frees them to move on. If someone who held your soul part has died, returning that soul part has a powerful benefit for both of you. It frees the soul of the other person to move on, unburdened by energy that they can’t use. For my client, it can release them from a fascination with and a pull toward death.
About Power Animals
My soul retrievals include bringing back two power animals. They help support you following the soul retrieval. Power animals are spirits who appear in shamanic reality in animal form. It is believed that when a child is born, a benevolent spirit in animal form looks at the infant and sees how helpless they are. That spirit takes pity on the child and becomes their ally and protector. Often a person’s power animal will be an animal that they have a strong affinity for.
In ordinary reality, a power animal is a source of protection and power. It’s your power animal’s job to make sure that the idiot driving way too fast doesn’t hit you and that if a rock falls out of the sky it lands next to you, not on you. They work on our behalf to keep the physical world safe and positive for us. A strong connection to a power animal provides a source of energy and support and enhances the flow of your own energy.
The power animals I bring back may or may not be the ones that you expect. If I bring back an unexpected power animal, it doesn’t mean the one you expected isn’t your power animal; it almost certainly is. It just means that these are new animals coming into relationship with you. The more work we do to heal and grow, the more spiritual help is available to us, hence more power animals.
Honoring Privacy
When receiving a soul retrieval, you have the option to share or not share the events and experiences in your life that may have led to soul loss. The work is completely effective even if I don’t get any information from you aside from your request that I do the work. If you choose not to share knowledge about your life, my spirit guides will honor your privacy by not showing me things that you haven’t shared. They may give me symbols that are meaningful to you but not to me.
When people choose to share, I get more information and detail during the soul retrieval. I can also sometimes address family themes that need healing or do other types of healing work if the person has talked to me about their experiences. But sharing isn’t required.
If any information I receive about the soul parts I find conflicts with your intuition, trust yourself rather than what I told you. I was molested at five. Because I had no memory of the event, I didn’t list it as a cause of soul loss. Therefore, the person doing my soul retrieval got a vague and different story about that soul part. I knew the loss of this part was related to the molestation because I got the memories back with the soul part. So trust your own experience rather than my report; sometimes I am given a different story as a placeholder.
How Soul Retrieval Works
When I begin a soul retrieval, you’ll lie down quietly. While I am doing the soul retrieval, set your intent to release anyone else’s soul parts you may be holding onto and ask that they return to the appropriate person. Simply stating this intent clearly and/or asking your guides for help is sufficient.
During the soul retrieval, I go into an altered or trance state while lying down quietly and listening to a drumming CD. I shift my awareness into shamanic reality, meet my guides, and begin the work. I begin by locating two power animals that will support you through the reintegration process.
After meeting your power animals, I ask your spirit guides if there is a message or information for you.
At that point, the true soul retrieval work begins. I step into a shamanic void and wait for the soul pieces I will be bringing back to light up, showing me how many there are and where they are located. My horse then carries me to each of them in the order that my guides agree is most appropriate. At that point I work with the soul parts in whatever situation I find them.
If the soul part is alone, I talk to it about how you are ready to receive it back and would like it to return. I give it space to tell me its story. Sometimes the part talks to me about why it left, sometimes not. I note the surroundings in which I find the soul part and how old it appears to be.
If the soul part is a part that is held by someone else in your life, I offer a soul retrieval for the person holding your soul part. My hawk will go forth and bring back the soul parts that this person lost that caused them to take your soul part. It’s not a complete soul retrieval, but invariably after the shamanic aspect of that person has their own soul part returned, they are willing to relinquish yours. In shamanic reality, the person holding your soul part has better access to their higher self. So however disconnected from their love and compassion they may be in ordinary reality, they often experience those emotions in the shamanic world.
Once I’ve gathered up the three to six soul pieces that my guides have identified as the most critical, I stand on a cliff and cast an energetic net into your past lives. (Please note: You don’t have to believe in past lives. Again, this is part of a framework for understanding the experience.) I pull forward any soul energy that was left behind or trapped there and add it to the other parts I am bringing back. For some clients, there is a huge amount of life essence from past lives, for others only a small bit. These parts come back just as energy without a story.
Before I return the soul parts to you, I do an extraction. This simply means removing any energy that has taken the place of the missing soul parts that doesn’t serve you. I gently remove black, stagnant energy, creating space for the soul parts to go into.
If I am doing the soul retrieval in person, I then return my awareness to ordinary reality with the soul parts held in my arms. As I sit up, I lean over and blow the soul parts into the heart chakra and then into the crown chakra. I seal the aura with my hands or with a rattle and let the client know the work is complete. I like to give my client some time to sit with the experience before I talk with them about it.
If I am working from a distance, I return the soul parts to my client with my awareness still in shamanic reality. I blow the parts in and seal the aura.
I then share the details of my journey. This completes the soul retrieval.
After the Soul Retrieval
I recommend you spend some time talking to your soul parts. There are three questions you can ask each part in the days or weeks following your soul retrieval:
* Is there anything you want to tell me about why you left?
Your soul part may or may not choose to share information.
* How will you be of service to me?
Soul parts always come back with gifts and ways that they will help and support us. It could be anything from helping you to be creative and passionate and play more, to helping you stand up for yourself, to helping you find your car keys in the morning.
* What can I do to make it comfortable for you to stay?
With this question, understand that you are not in danger of losing your soul parts again unless your life includes the same kind of abuse that caused the soul loss. For example, if someone lost a soul part as a child due to physical abuse and is currently in a physically abusive relationship, the soul part would provide a great push to leave that relationship. If the person chooses to stay, the soul part would likely leave again. Also, depending on the answer, negotiation may be required, since a three-year-old soul part may want things that are impractical for an adult—for example, a young soul part that wants ice cream. If you are now lactose intolerant, you could remember what it was like to eat ice cream instead of actually eating it and making yourself sick.
With these questions, just find a quiet time and see if answers bubble to the surface. There’s no way to do it wrong; you’re really just talking to yourself, after all. If you don’t get answers, that’s okay. Regardless, it’s good to welcome your soul parts back and celebrate their return.
I recommend that people wait 24 hours before talking about the soul retrieval experience. This is because often the work is felt most strongly some time after the initial return of the parts. Since soul retrieval doesn’t translate easily into words, talking about and analyzing the experience can take you out of it. It is said that in Western culture we suffer from premature evaluation. Also, if you put words to it too soon, you risk remembering the words you used rather than what the soul retrieval felt like.
Following a soul retrieval, you will continue to experience spontaneous soul return of soul parts coming back on their own, now that the process has been activated. This is part of why most people only need one soul retrieval, rather than ongoing sessions.
By understanding soul loss, there is an opportunity to move through the world with much healthier energetic boundaries. It is good to become conscious of not giving away your soul parts, no matter how deeply you love someone. You can also set your intent to release any soul parts that you may have collected from others as you go along. When you release those parts, you free yourself of the burden of unusable energy. You also improve your energetic relationship to the people whose soul parts you have and place yourself more fully in right relationship with the universe.
©2005, Katie Weatherup. All rights reserved.
Monday, January 26, 2009
8 steps to make 2009 your best year ever
Happy New Year!
It’s New Years Eve. It’s the perfect time of year to set new goals and direction for your life. What would you like to be, do or have in 2009? What really inspires you? The key to fulfillment is doing the things that really make you happy. If you see a person who really loves what he does and is happy and joyful it means he is living his spiritual purpose. If you went and did the things he is doing, you would probably be miserable! It’s his spiritual purpose - not yours.
Each person is here on Planet Earth for spiritual growth. Each person has a unique life purpose. On our recent survey, the most popular topic that people said they want to learn about was: Discovering their Life Purpose. Discovering your life purpose is actually quite simple. It’s so simple you might miss it. Here’s the secret to discovering your life purpose. Drum roll please!
Do what you truly want and desire.
That’s my challenge to you for 2009. Instead of limiting yourself because there’s not enough time, there’s not enough money, my parents expect this of me, my children need me to do xyz, the economy is bad etc, etc, etc. Why not do what you truly want and desire?
Learn to look within and follow those inner desires. When you do, you will be guided toward the right path for you. If you feel stuck right now, you are resisting that inner guidance. It is always within you. It always has been. Here are 8 practical steps you can take to set a new direction for yourself this year. Take some time today or on New Years Day to write down some goals for 2009.
1. Ask yourself what you really, truly want
Take some quiet time to look within. I don’t mean a few minutes; I mean take the time you would take if your life depended on you figuring this out. It does. If you don’t know what YOU want; if that isn’t very clear in your mind, you are existing, not truly living.
Write down your big dreams and goals. Be honest with yourself about what you want. Don’t limit yourself! Imagine you had no limitations because you don’t. In reality, limitations are illusions you have chosen to believe are real. They are not real. The only limitations you have are the ones you think you have. If you want something - you want it! It’s OK! It’s beyond OK. It is your spiritual responsibility to yourself to go after your wants.
Many people have concepts around money. They may have been taught that, “Money is the root of all evil.” Money is just a tool. It’s a form of energy. We live in an abundant universe. In order to have more abundance, organize yourself to offer some kind of service to help other people. Then, you have an energy exchange. The more people you help, the more abundance you will attract.
In Step 1 write down what you want in ALL areas of your life. Don’t be ashamed to include material and financial desires as well as relationships, family, travel, career, hobbies, friendships etc, etc. Remember . . . NO LIMITATIONS.
2. Now craft these desires into a goal statement
What is the end result, or desired outcome, that you would like to have? Make it as specific as possible. For now, don’t worry about HOW you’re going to reach the goal. As a matter of fact, if the HOWS start coming into your mind at this stage, cleanse and cut that energy for now. That’s not important. If you have the desire within, you have the ability to accomplish the goal. Otherwise, you would never have been able to conceive of the goal(s) in the first place. Your goals are the spiritual spark from your inner creativity.
3. Rewrite the goal in the present tense, as if it has already occurred
This will change your mindset. By writing the goal in the present tense you are making it real and believable in your mind. You are creating. For example, read these two goal statements and compare how each one makes you feel:
:: I will build an extension on my house
:: I have built an extension on my house
Notice the difference? When I read the first example it feels like a distant hope or wish that may happen someday. When I read the second example I feel powerful that I have accomplished something. I visualize the house having been built and imagine what I am doing in my house! Belief is a powerful creative energy.
4. Add to your statement how you will FEEL once the goal is accomplished
When you add the feeling to your goal you will raise your energy vibration to be much more attractive. An example of adding the feelings to your goal is: “I am so happy and grateful that I have a beautiful new home that I feel relaxed and peaceful in.”
5. Sense the timing in which you can accomplish your goal
You may be able to sense the best timing for your goal through your psychic sensitivity. Or, you can check with your guidance month by month. Or choose the time you want to have it accomplished, and then recheck with your guidance if it is realistic. (You aren’t tricking yourself into thinking about HOW are you?)
6. Write down the action steps required to reach your goal
This is a critical step! Don’t miss this one. Write down the steps you will need to take to accomplish this goal and when you will do them. Start from the end date and work backwards. For example, we have a goal to reach 100 people at a lecture in Sydney, Australia in June. So, we know we need to send press releases to the media in April. We need to book our flights in March etc, etc.
Motion beats meditation. A huge misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction is that if you just think about what you want it will mysteriously appear in your life. I’ve never yet seen bags of money fall out of the sky. (Although if you know how to make that happen, let me know.) You need to take action! Don’t just think about it - do something about it! Don’t worry if you don’t have all the resources or education you need yet. Just start moving and your guidance will help you find the solutions you need. If you do nothing - you have nothing.
When your Spirit Guides see that you are committed and you are taking action on your goals, they will back you with new opportunities beyond your wildest dreams. They cannot move into action on your behalf until you do. It would be contrary to their contract with you. Your job is to keep taking action and never allow doubt to creep in. Your Guidance will create what we call the “magic of the how.”
7. Read and visualize your goals daily
It’s so easy to slip back into old habits or to be negatively influenced by your environment. Read your goals daily (at least) to remind yourself of where you are headed. Stay in a positive frame of mind about yourself and your life as much as you can. Negative talk, self-criticism and doubtful thoughts will sabotage your success. Think only positive thoughts about yourself and your life.
8. Keep rechecking along the way
Circumstances and timing can change. Maybe you find that you change your mind about wanting a certain goal or that the desire for it has dissipated. This often means there is something even better for you around the corner. Your angels have a bigger picture than you do about your spiritual purpose. Trust your hunches and follow your desires! Keep moving toward that feeling and make 2009 the most wonderful year in an ongoing series of coming years. It is time we lived our spiritual potential on all levels. Welcome to the Age of Balance.
(c) Balanced Living Institute, LLC
Gonna get my little (new) journal out and make the most of this quiet time I have before I start prepping dinner!
With bright blessing & wishes for an amazing, abundance-filled, joyous 2009 for you all!
Callie x x x
The Emotional Connection to Tension
“And the great thing about that is tapping into the root of the problem on an emotional level can heal chronic pain,” she says.
Here’s what your tension spots could be trying to tell you.
The neck is a two-way communicator: You take in life-sustaining food, water, and air through the neck, and at the same time, emotions, feelings, and thoughts are expressed outwardly through your voice. Stiffness here can indicate resistance, usually to other ways of thinking.
This is where you carry the weight of your responsibilities, whether it’s work, family, or mortgage payments. Creative energy flows from here, moving into your arms and hands, where it emerges in what you do in the world. Tense shoulders can also indicate resistance, perhaps to the responsibilities you feel you must maintain, or pressure that’s put on you to perform.
Upper back
This area, the reverse side from the heart, is where you can store repressed anger, resentment, guilt, or shame.
Mid back
Your core allows you to bend and move, representing your ability to be psychologically and emotionally flexible. Stiffness in the mid back can reflect an inner stiffness, holding on to a fear, or inability to go with the flow.
Low back
This part of the body supports your weight from above, and it’s related to your notions of survival, security, and self-support. If you’re feeling insecure—or as though you’re unable to meet other people’s expectations—that pressure can manifest in the low back.
Although seemingly soft, the glutes are often the most tense and clenched muscles in the body. This area has to do with elimination and release, so control and power issues are often held here.
These muscles are connected to the knees—which we use to bow down to a higher being—and so tight hamstrings can often mean that a deeper level of surrender is needed. The thighs and hamstrings also hold on to past conflicts, such as traumatic childhood memories, anger, or resentment. This area is also closely associated with sexuality and intimacy.
Why not get in touch with Callie to find out how she may be able to help relieve your aches and pains - either with a treatment or with some well-chosen products designed to help in these situations?
© 1999-2009 Natural Solutions: Vibrant Health, Balanced Living/Alternative Medicine/InnoVision Health Media
Boost your self esteem with positive affirmation
What stops most people is the uncertainty of what to say, and how to word affirmations for optimal effectiveness. Below you’ll find some simple tips to help you write effective affirmations for improving your self-esteem.
1) Present tense
First, it’s helpful to word affirmations in present tense, not future. You wouldn’t want to say, “I will learn to love myself” because that makes it sound like you’ll get around to it “someday.” Instead you could say, “I choose to love myself.” The wording of that affirmation does two things: it empowers you with the addition of the words “choose to,” and it puts the timeframe in the present moment.
2) Believable
At the same time, your affirmations should be believable to you. If you tried to say, “I am a wonderful person with a lot to offer the world,” you may not really believe that, so your subconscious mind might reject it. Instead, try to focus on a process rather than an end result in your affirmations. Say something like, “I am learning to embrace my uniqueness and share it confidently with others.”
3) Use the right tone
When you recite affirmations, you can do so aloud or just mentally, but you should focus heavily on the TONE you use. Rather than saying the words without emotion like you were reading a newspaper - really inject an element of love and tenderness into them. Your subconscious mind picks up on the emotional aspect of what you’re saying more than the actual words. Imagine the difference between saying the words, “I really love myself” with a tone of love and compassion, or sarcasm. Which do you think would have a greater impact on your subconscious mind?
4) Repetition
Once you’ve got some affirmations formed to work on your self-esteem, try saying them several times a day. Remember, your subconscious mind is constantly playing back old, negative messages - so you want to counteract those as much as possible. Keep reciting your more positive thoughts on a regular basis - especially when you become aware that you’re thinking negatively about yourself.
5) Give it time
Finally, remember that it will take time to change those old, negative messages in your mind to something more positive. It may take a few weeks or even months before you’ll notice an obvious difference in how you feel, and you may be tempted to think it isn’t working. Keep with it, and you will begin to see a difference eventually! Most likely it will be a gradual change. Little by little you’ll start feeling more positive, and notice that you’re feeling a bit happier and lighter. That’s your signal that it’s working!
(c) Wings for the heart
Learning to Love Yourself
When someone told you that you were no good, you believed them. When someone told you that you’d never amount to anything, you believed them. When someone told you that you were stupid or learning disabled or weird, you believed them. And you still believe them to this day - even if you’re not consciously aware of these underlying beliefs.
Is it possible to overcome old messages and replace them with new, empowering messages? Yes! Here are three good ways to start:
1) Romance yourself. Think about the last love affair you had. At the beginning you and your partner probably devoted a lot of time, attention and affection to each other, right? You felt passionate and swept away by the beauty of your partner and he/she probably felt the same about you. One of the best ways to learn to love yourself is to enter into a similar process - with yourself! Treat yourself like royalty! Do things that make you feel happy. Hug yourself. Sweet-talk yourself. Buy yourself nice things. Spend quality time with yourself simply because you deserve it.
2) Explore your existing beliefs. You may suspect you have old, limiting messages rattling around in your head but still be unsure about what they are exactly. In order to discover the beliefs that are holding you back, you may need to go on an expedition. Begin exploring your existing beliefs by writing in a journal. Give yourself prompts or questions like these: “My earliest memory of feeling stupid was . . .” “My mother always made me feel . . .” “My father always treated me like . . .” and so on. The idea is to think back to an earlier time in your life and see if you can discover when and where your limiting beliefs got started. Then, challenge those beliefs. Are they still true? Were they ever true? Decide what you WANT to be true, and begin to replace the old belief by focusing more on your new and improved beliefs.
3) Emphasize your good qualities! When you have low self-esteem, you tend to keep focusing on the things that are “wrong with you,” and dismissing the things that you have going for you. Start to turn this around by praising and encouraging yourself in your self-talk. When you accomplish something, congratulate yourself! Say things like, “Wow, I’m really proud of myself for doing that. It wasn’t easy, but I pushed through the rough spots and gave it my best shot.” You can also make a point of simply giving yourself positive self-talk daily.
Recite affirmations like these: “I am a valuable person. I have a lot to offer the world. I’m talented and successful.” The more you do it, the more you’ll come to believe it!
(c) Wings for the Heart
Thursday, January 22, 2009
10 Things Happy Couples Do
Happy couples know that the real relationship begins when the honeymoon is over. They know that unless you maintain the garden of love, its beauty will wither and die. Now discover the 10 things that happy couples do:
1. Go to bed at the same time. Remember the beginning of your relationship, when you couldn't wait to go to bed with each other to make love? Happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times. They go to bed at the same time, even if one partner wakes up later to do things while their partner sleeps.
2. Cultivate common interests. After the passion settles down, it's common to realize that you have few interests in common. But don't minimize the importance of activities you can do together that you both enjoy. If common interests are not present, happy couples develop them. At the same time, be sure to cultivate interests of your own; this will make you more interesting to your mate and prevent you from appearing too dependent.
3. Walk hand in hand or side by side. Rather than one partner lagging or dragging behind the other, happy couples walk comfortably hand in hand or side by side. They know it's more important to be with their partner than to see the sights along the way.
4. Make trust and forgiveness your default mode. If and when they have a disagreement or argument, and if they can't resolve it, happy couples default to trusting and forgiving rather than distrusting and begrudging.
5. Focus more on what your partner does right than what he or she does wrong. If you look for things your partner does wrong, you can always find something. If you look for what he or she does right, you can always find something, too. It all depends on what you want to look for. Happy couples accentuate the positive.
6. Hug each other as soon as you see each other after work. Our skin has a memory of "good touch" (loved), "bad touch" (abused) and "no touch" (neglected). Couples who say hello with a hug keep their skin bathed in the "good touch," which can inoculate your spirit against anonymity in the world.
7. Say "I love you" and "Have a good day" every morning. This is a great way to buy some patience and tolerance as each partner sets out each day to battle traffic jams, long lines and other annoyances.
8. Say "Good night" every night, regardless of how you feel. This tells your partner that, regardless of how upset you are with him or her, you still want to be in the relationship. It says that what you and your partner have is bigger than any single upsetting incident.
9. Do a "weather" check during the day. Call your partner at home or at work to see how his or her day is going. This is a great way to adjust expectations so that you're more in sync when you connect after work. For instance, if your partner is having an awful day, it might be unreasonable to expect him or her to be enthusiastic about something good that happened to you.
10. Be proud to be seen with your partner. Happy couples are pleased to be seen together and are often in some kind of affectionate contact -- hand on hand or hand on shoulder or knee or back of neck. They are not showing off but rather just saying that they belong with each other.
Even if these actions don't come naturally, happy couples stick with them until they do become a part of their relationship. They know that it takes 30 days for a change in behavior to become a habit, and a minimum of six months for a habit to become a way of life and love. Dr. Goulston is the co-founder of and the author of The 6 Secrets of a Lasting Relationship (Putnam, 2001).
You can visit Dr. Goulston's website at
The message from the Grandmothers
“Grandmothers, “ I said as I came to stand before twelve large, very imposing eagles, “I think I’m a little discouraged. I’ve been sick for a while and have been questioning everything. There are so many spiritual groups at work now,” I said, “so much channeling of information, so many ideas, teachers, etc, that it seems like we’re living in a spiritual marketplace. With everybody doing this and that, and a lot of it good,” I added, “I wonder if what I’m doing with spreading your message is still worthwhile.
“The Grandmothers eyed me and stood patiently by; clearly they were waiting me out. “I just wonder,” I said, “do you still want people to work with you? I mean,” I stammered, “do you still want me take your message to new people?” I was terribly uncomfortable asking this question, well aware that I was seeking reassurance from them, something I hated to do.
“Nodding knowingly, the Grandmothers gave me a penetrating look and then replied, “We do not care if people work with us or not. We are not looking for people to call to us.” I blinked and stared at them, wondering what this meant. “There’s a great deal of work that needs doing now on earth,” they said, “and our particular job is to infuse the energy of Yin back into this planet. We have come to awaken everyone to the presence of the Divine Feminine,” they said. “And we offer the empowerment into the energy of yin so you can experience this presence and be a vehicle for the Great Mother. So you can move out of separation, and into union with the Divine. This is why we have come.
“Our work with each of you is personal,” they said. “We have no theories to give you, no predictions or promises to make, except that if you answer our call your life will be filled with joy and you will no longer feel lonely and separated from the Divine. If you are tired of living separate from God, tired of feeling cut off, worshipping from afar, longing for union, longing for something better, then call on us,” they said. “We have come for this. Now is the end of separation,” they said and firmly folded their wings/arms against their chests.
“Your lives are much more difficult that they need to be, and when we see you in distress, it hurts us very much. Your pain is so unnecessary. The truth is that you are living in an exciting time,” they said. “Your birth was no accident. You were born for this time. Now!” they cried. “You were born to be forerunners, way-showers for the time when humanity comes together with the Divine.
“We invite you to experience this union we speak of,” they said. “It’s nothing that you need to think about, talk about, or read about, though of course you can do all that. You can experience it!” they said. “This is why we have come…so you can live in union with God, live within the weave of love. So you can greet the Divine within each person you see. This is why we have come,” they repeated. “This is why we call you together and why we offer our empowerment. Our gift is freely given,” they said.
They laughed and said, “But you live in a culture that is based entirely on buying and selling, on salesmanship and marketing, and this has made you so wary, so distrustful that you don’t recognize the truth when it is staring you in the face. We aren’t asking anything of you,” they explained, shaking their heads in consternation. “We have come to give to you. We do the giving,” they said. “You do the living. So if you want to be happy, if you want to live at one with the Divine, then call on us.
“We never lie. We speak only truth and give only love. We are here for you,” they said and gave me a soft look. “We adore you. We know all your flaws and fears,” they said. “We know everything about you, and we adore you,” they repeated. “You don’t have to live in isolation, separation, and worry any longer,” they said. “That time is over. We are now making the turn to the light. Now you can live in the light all the time.
“At this very moment stand all around you,”, they said to me, “beside you and behind you, under you and above you. Enfolding you. We will always console, comfort and uplift you,” they said. And then they lifted their heads, stood especially tall and said, “We are the Grand Mothers. And we have come for you.”
Read previous messages here.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
List of Spiritual talk radio stations
live365. com spiritual catagory
http://www. beyondtheordinary. net/
http://www. spiritualawakeningradio. com/
http://www. sedonatalkradio. com/
http://www. contacttalkradio. com/programs. php
http://www. healthylife. net/RadioShow/archiveSPA. htm
Internet Radio Program with In-Depth Interviews on Spirituality and Living with Awareness:
Psychic Radio, Holistic Radio
Spiritual and Self Improvement Talk Radio:
* 7th Wave Radio
* Achieve Radio
* BBC Radio - the best radio station in the world
* Beyond The Ordinary
* Coast To Coast AM
* Conscious Talk Radio
* Emerging Breakthroughs with David Kamnitzer & Joyce Jackson
* Eye on the Future Radio
* Feet To The Fire
* First Voices Indigenous Radio
* GCN Live
* Ghost Radio - The Underworld Show
* Hay House Radio
* Liberty Works Radio Network
* Lime Radio
* News for the Soul
* Radio Out There
* Republic Broadcasting Network
* Passion for the Planet
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Somewhere over the rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo 'Ole
Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Israel Kamakawiwo Ole
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops is where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can't I?
Well I see trees of green and Red roses too,
I'll watch then bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more than
We'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops is where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dreams that you dare to, oh why, oh why can't I?
Monday, January 12, 2009
I feel the evil spirit of indecision eating at my soul.
I feel the nightmares of misty voices of faces I can not find.
feel the day's emptiness of a forgotten life taking its tool.
But only sometimes.
When I'm alone I hear the unspoken word of a friendly foe.
When I'm alone I hear nothing but the footsteps of my own fleeing sanity.
When I'm alone I hear the voice of the child, “Say it isn't so.”
When I'm alone I hear the the insults of my own vanity.
But only sometimes.
When I'm with you, you say you love me, but my mind does not compute it.
When I'm with you, a room cluttered with chairs separates us from the truth.
When I'm with you feelings of sorrow give it proof.
I hear friends speak of nothing on the realm of the happy kingdom.
I hear the sounds of laughter coming from very corner.
I hear the waves of friendly salvation as the rising of the sun.
I hear the voice of the child saying, “Come home, sweet Martyr.”
But only sometimes.
Sometimes I'm weak.
Sometimes I'm strong.
Sometimes I see.
Sometimes not.
Nothing lasts forever.
Allison Jae
Friday, January 9, 2009
I was waking and heard a silver flute
when dawn was spreading its wings on the scenery.
I was waking and leaving my dream
where faeries danced in the chamomile.
When the sky became crystalline
and the curtain fondled the window sill,
my body was caressed by this morning breeze.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Course of Miracles
Mým jediným cílem je klid mysli, klid boží
Mou jedinou funkcí je umět odpouštět
Neudělám jediné rozhodnutí, aniž bych se předtím neporadil se svým vnitřním hlasem (šestý smysl, intuuice, hlas Boží...)
"Kdybyste se mohl ocitnout na místě, po němž jste vždycky toužil, kde byste si odpočinul, uvolnil se, jaké místo by to bylo?“ Odpověď zněla: „Havaj.“ Tony poté manažerovi navrhl, aby zavřel oči a představil si, že je na Havaji, cítí se uvolněně a odpočatě, v souladu s teplým pískem, modrou oblohou i nádherným mořem. Pak dodal: „Víte, nemůžete se cítit uvolněně a odpočatě, v klidu a míru, pokud jste naštvaný. Pokud nebudete schopný odpustit – a nejen konkurenci, ale i onomu člověku, který od vás odešel, nebudete schopen najít moudré rozhodnutí. Když jim odpustíte – necháte celý incident odplout a zmizet."
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the Peace of God"
Forgiveness offers everything I want.
Today I have accepted this as true.
Today I have received the gifts of God.
How foolish are our fears! Would You allow Your Son to suffer? Give us faith today to recognize Your Son, and set him free. Let us forgive him in Your Name, that we may understand his holiness, and feel the love for him which is Your Own as well.
-A Course in Miracles, Lesson 240
Father, we would return our minds to You. We have betrayed them, held them in a vise of bitterness, and frightened them with thoughts of violence and death. Now would we rest again in You, as You created us. -A Course in Miracles, Lesson 249
Father, You have one Son. And it is he that I would look upon today. He is Your one creation. Why should I perceive a thousand forms in what remains as one? Why should I give this one a thousand names, when only one suffices? For Your Son must bear Your Name, for You created him. Let me not see him as a stranger to his Father, nor as stranger to myself. For he is part of me and I of him, and we are part of You Who are our Source, eternally united in Your Love; eternally the holy Son of God.
We who are one would recognize this day the truth about ourselves. We would come home, and rest in unity. For there is peace, and nowhere else can peace be sought and found. -A Course in Miracles, Lesson 262
I am under no laws but God's.
I am the light of the world.
That is my only function.
That is why I am here.
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.
I must have decided wrongly, because I am not at peace.I made the decision myself, but I can also decide otherwise.
I want to decide otherwise, because I want to be at peace. I do not feel guilty, because the Holy Spirit will undo all the consequences of my wrong decision if I will let Him.I choose to let Him, by allowing Him to decide for God for me.
It is impossible to see two worlds
Lesson 130
“It is impossible to see two worlds.”
Perception is consistent. What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see. Your values are determiners of this, for what you value you must want to see, believing what you see is really there. No-one can see a world his mind has not accorded value. And no-one can fail to look upon what he believes he wants.
Yet who can really hate and love at once? Who can desire what he does not want to have reality? And who can choose to see a world of which he is afraid? Fear must make blind, for this its weapon is; that which you fear to see you cannot see. Love and perception thus go hand in hand, but fear obscures in darkness what is there.
What, then, can fear project upon the world? What can be seen in darkness that is real? Truth is eclipsed by fear, and what remains is but imagined. Yet what can be real in blind imaginings of panic borne? What would you want that this is shown to you? What would you wish to keep in such a dream?
Fear has made everything you think you see. All separation, all distinctions, and the multitude of differences you believe make up the world. They are not there. Love’s enemy has made them up. Yet love can have no enemy, and so they have no cause, no being and no consequence. They can be valued, but remain unreal. They can be sought, but they can not be found.
Today we will not seek for them, nor waste this day in seeking not what can be found. It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind. Seek for the one; the other disappears. But one remains. They are the range of choice beyond which your decision cannot go. The real and the unreal are all there is to choose between, and nothing more than these.
Today we will attempt no compromise where none is possible. The world you see is proof you have already made a choice as all-embracing as its opposite. What we would learn today is more than just the lesson that you cannot see two worlds. It also teaches that the one you see is quite consistent from the point of view from which you see it. It is all a piece because it stems from one emotion, and reflects its source in everything you see.
Six times today, in thanks and gratitude, we gladly give five minutes to the thought which ends all compromise and doubt, and go beyond them all as one. We will not make a thousand meaningless distinctions, nor attempt to bring with us a little part of unreality as we devote our minds to finding only what is real.
Begin your searching for the other world by asking for a strength beyond your own, and recognize what it is you seek. You do not want illusions. And you come to these five minutes emptying your hands of all the petty treasures of this world. You wait for God to help you, as you say:
“It is impossible to see two worlds.
Let me accept the strength God offers me
And see no value in this world, that I
May find my freedom and deliverance.”
God will be there. For you have called upon the great unfailing Power Who will take this giant step with you in gratitude. Nor will you fail to see His thanks expressed in tangible perception and in truth. You will not doubt what you will look upon. For though it is perception, it is not the kind of seeing that your eyes alone have ever seen before. And you will know God’s strength upheld as you made this choice.
Dismiss temptation easily today whenever it arises, merely by remembering the limits on your choice. The unreal or the real, the false or true is what you see, and only what you see. Perception is consistent with your choice, and hell or Heaven come to you as one.
Accept a little part of hell as real, and you have damned your eyes and cursed your sight, and what you will behold is hell indeed. Yet the release of Heaven still remains within your range of choice, to take the place of everything that hell would show to you. All you need say to any part of hell, whatever form it takes, is simply this:
“It is impossible to see two worlds.
I seek my freedom and deliverance,
And this is not a part of what I want.”